Hooking up PIP TV

I have (inherited) a Panasonic Projection TV 53" Model PT-51G42V.

I have a Cablevison IO box and a VCR, which I will use for PIP.

I've had lots of suggestions ..one from the Cablevision company
.....and so far nothing worked. Can someone send a schematic of how to
hook the PIP up???


Try http://www.pasc.panasonic.com/ and in the left column click on "parts
and accessories"
Input your model number and order the owners manual.
It will have all the details and pictures for hooking up the set.

Good Luck,
Bill Jr

<det2659@aol.com> wrote in message
I have (inherited) a Panasonic Projection TV 53" Model PT-51G42V.

I have a Cablevison IO box and a VCR, which I will use for PIP.

I've had lots of suggestions ..one from the Cablevision company
....and so far nothing worked. Can someone send a schematic of how to
hook the PIP up???


<det2659@aol.com> wrote in message
I have (inherited) a Panasonic Projection TV 53" Model PT-51G42V.

I have a Cablevison IO box and a VCR, which I will use for PIP.

I've had lots of suggestions ..one from the Cablevision company
....and so far nothing worked. Can someone send a schematic of how to
hook the PIP up???


If you're using a cablevision IO box I don't see a way to do it. If the box
works like the ones in my area, you can only receive one channel at a time.
With your hook up can you watch one channel on the TV & record a different
channel on the VCR? If the answer is no, then I don't see how it can be
done. For P&P you need two separate signal sources. You might have to put up
an external antenna, or a cable box with dual tuner outputs. (if there is
such a thing)
Whereas On 29 Sep 2003 16:54:00 -0700, det2659@aol.com scribbled:
, I thus relpy:
I have (inherited) a Panasonic Projection TV 53" Model PT-51G42V.

I have a Cablevison IO box and a VCR, which I will use for PIP.

I've had lots of suggestions ..one from the Cablevision company
....and so far nothing worked. Can someone send a schematic of how to
hook the PIP up???


Split the cable, hook one to the TV tuner, the other to the cable box
in. Connect the cable box A/V out to the aux inputs on the TV.
Gary J. Tait . Email is at yahoo.com ; ID:classicsat

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