home-brew vswr meter



How minimal of circuit would be required to tell the difference between
whether a load was inductively reactive or capacitively reactive at
frequencies between 100mhz and 200mhz, and in the 5 to 100 watts range? A
home made VSWR meter, for someone who doesn't have access to a store-bought
one, basically.
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:54:01 GMT, tom wrote:

How minimal of circuit would be required to tell the difference between
whether a load was inductively reactive or capacitively reactive at
frequencies between 100mhz and 200mhz, and in the 5 to 100 watts range? A
home made VSWR meter, for someone who doesn't have access to a store-bought
one, basically.
A VSWR meter won't tell you that, just that there's a mismatch.
Start longer and prune for best VSWR. That's as simple as a couple
of diodes, a meter, and some resistors and/or a pot - maybe a power
range switch in leiu of the pot and a switch for forwared/reflected
power. Additionally you'd need some type of directional coupler - 2
parallel PCB traces... or a piece of insulated 24 AWG wire threaded
under a length of coax braid... or a torroidal coil with the coax
running through it. Unless you can get a crossed-needle display,
you'll have to calculate the VSWR from the fwd/rev readings or just
prune until the reflection are minimum. Knowing the VSWR would help
you compare with other antennas.

Oh, yeah. Is google's server down or something?
Best Regards,
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:54:01 +0000, tom wrote:

How minimal of circuit would be required to tell the difference between
whether a load was inductively reactive or capacitively reactive at
frequencies between 100mhz and 200mhz, and in the 5 to 100 watts range? A
home made VSWR meter, for someone who doesn't have access to a store-bought
one, basically.
If, by "VSWR meter", you mean the usual directionally sampled line
arrangement, it won't tell you. What it actually measures is forward and
reflected *current*, hence power. Whether the mismatched load is
resistive, capacitive, or inductive, it neither knows nor cares.

Google for "VHF bridge", and see if that gives you any ideas

"Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference
is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more
durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it."
(Stephen Leacock)
I'm not sure I understand your point Mike --- what do you mean by, "Oh,
yeah. Is google's server down or something?"
"tom" <cyberhun@shaw.ca> wrote in message news:<Z3B_d.711235$Xk.444675@pd7tw3no>...
How minimal of circuit would be required to tell the difference between
whether a load was inductively reactive or capacitively reactive at
frequencies between 100mhz and 200mhz, and in the 5 to 100 watts range? A
home made VSWR meter, for someone who doesn't have access to a store-bought
one, basically.
A directional power meter (s.w.r. meter) will not differentiate
between the two cases.

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