Hey if you have any old scrap circuit boards laying around don't throw them away! Grab a sodlering iron, heat up the pads, and start pulling parts off. Accumulate them in boxes and sell them on eBay! I do this and plenty of people buy the stuff because it's cheaper for them than buying new and most of it still works. Electrolytic condensers, transformers, I.F. coils, high-power resistors, large transisotrs, and heatsinks are good sellers. Only spend time with soldered chips if it's really rare, or you have a vacuum desoldering station. Otherwise it's not worth the time to mess with braid and you could end up burning the chip. Also, don't bother with resistors under 1-watt, transistors (unless vintage), or ceramic condensers. Fuses aren't all that lucrative, but if they're in sockets they're easy enough to pull out. Likewise a board full of sodlered chips is a good venture. People can use them in art projects if not electronics. Crystals are pretty good sellers if you accumulate a lot of them. And of course, by all means save every cone speaker you get your grubby paws on! One 3" speaker can sell for upward of $5 each, the 4" ones $10 each, and the ovals even more! This is not meant to spam. I'm just passing this info on to help fellow electronic hobbyists fund their projects and save the environment in the process!