Hitachi model 50V500 Pink picture

I have researched info on this probem, and found a fix, but I don't
understand how it is done. Here is what the tech wrote - "Record 12C
Buss settings, then "memory initi" and put back in the recorded data".
Is this done from a service menu? Anyone how to access it? I'll do
more searching for the fix procedure, but was hoping this group would
be able to help. I tried to download the service manual for free, but
the Hitachi website is now prompting me for a user name and password.
Anyone familiar with this problem? Thanks as always group.
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 11:19:34 -0800 (PST), stokesbr@cox.netwrote:

I have researched info on this probem, and found a fix, but I don't
understand how it is done. Here is what the tech wrote - "Record 12C
Buss settings, then "memory initi" and put back in the recorded data".
Is this done from a service menu? Anyone how to access it? I'll do
more searching for the fix procedure, but was hoping this group would
be able to help. I tried to download the service manual for free, but
the Hitachi website is now prompting me for a user name and password.
Anyone familiar with this problem? Thanks as always group.
Appears that you record the 12C settings on paper, do a memory
initialize resetting everything then put back the 12C settings. I
would assume this could be done via a serviceman's menu mode.

I have no idea how to enter that mode and it may take finding someone
who does or purchasing a service manual.
Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 11:19:34 -0800 (PST), stokesbr@cox.netwrote:

I have researched info on this probem, and found a fix, but I don't
understand how it is done. Here is what the tech wrote - "Record 12C
Buss settings, then "memory initi" and put back in the recorded data".

Appears that you record the 12C settings on paper, do a memory
initialize resetting everything then put back the 12C settings. I
would assume this could be done via a serviceman's menu mode.

Do you all mean I2C?

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 15:24:56 -0600, msg <msg@_cybertheque.org_>wrote:

Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 11:19:34 -0800 (PST), stokesbr@cox.netwrote:

I have researched info on this probem, and found a fix, but I don't
understand how it is done. Here is what the tech wrote - "Record 12C
Buss settings, then "memory initi" and put back in the recorded data".


Appears that you record the 12C settings on paper, do a memory
initialize resetting everything then put back the 12C settings. I
would assume this could be done via a serviceman's menu mode.


Do you all mean I2C?

No I mean 12C which is what the OP posted. Maybe it is I2C but I
wouldn't know the details unless I had hands on with the Hitachi sets
that use this method.
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 16:52:42 -0500, Meat Plow

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 15:24:56 -0600, msg <msg@_cybertheque.org_>wrote:

Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 11:19:34 -0800 (PST), stokesbr@cox.netwrote:

I have researched info on this probem, and found a fix, but I don't
understand how it is done. Here is what the tech wrote - "Record 12C
Buss settings, then "memory initi" and put back in the recorded data".


Appears that you record the 12C settings on paper, do a memory
initialize resetting everything then put back the 12C settings. I
would assume this could be done via a serviceman's menu mode.


Do you all mean I2C?


No I mean 12C which is what the OP posted. Maybe it is I2C but I
wouldn't know the details unless I had hands on with the Hitachi sets
that use this method.
I'm replying to myself which is usually viewed as a sign of mental
problems. However in this case it is to correct my error regarding
I2C Bus Concept.. After leafing through a Panasonic PT51DX80A service
manual I now recall it being a universal technology also used in the
PT51DX80A. It simply replaces many mechanical adjustment controls
with an OSD menu system.

So the fix is to wipe the I2C settings clean or reset them to factory
specs then one by one compare the settings from what you had written
down with what they now are and modify them if needed.
Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 15:24:56 -0600, msg <msg@_cybertheque.org_>wrote:

Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 11:19:34 -0800 (PST), stokesbr@cox.netwrote:

I have researched info on this probem, and found a fix, but I don't
understand how it is done. Here is what the tech wrote - "Record 12C
Buss settings, then "memory initi" and put back in the recorded data".


Appears that you record the 12C settings on paper, do a memory
initialize resetting everything then put back the 12C settings. I
would assume this could be done via a serviceman's menu mode.


Do you all mean I2C?


No I mean 12C which is what the OP posted. Maybe it is I2C but I
wouldn't know the details unless I had hands on with the Hitachi sets
that use this method.
<hands raised in universal gesture of peace> I had hoped that the OP
would have replied, since I quoted him first and said 'you all' and not
the "y'all" of southern U.S. dialect which may imply the singular
personal. Just wondering if there was yet another proprietary bus (buss)
out there to confound testing.

Meat Plow wrote:
I'm replying to myself which is usually viewed as a sign of mental

That's OK. You fit right in with the other regulars. ;-)

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Dec 13, 6:29 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <>
Meat Plow wrote:

I'm replying to myself which is usually viewed as a sign of mental

   That's OK. You fit right in with the other regulars. ;-)

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
I am wondering now when I initialize the memory (wipe 12C settings),
does this affect every single adjustable parameter? I assume this sets
all parameters to their factory (initial) data. We are talking about
20+ pages of parameters and data. Do I have to write all this down
before I initialize? Looking at the service manual, there is a picture
of what the 12C menu looks like. There are about 22 items listed, but
only 8 have data listed. The others only have a blank box next to
them, for example the "sub bright". But when I go down to the
parameter list, the sub bright has an initial data of 80. Another
example is the OSD. Blank box and no data on main menu, but 11
parameters on the list. It looks like the main menu items that have a
blank box next to them all have many adjustable parameters in the
parameter list. Sorry this is so long, but I'm trying to make this
understandable. Should I have to worry about the million parameters
not listed on the main menu before initializing?
On Dec 13, 8:55 pm, wrote:
On Dec 13, 6:29 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <

Meat Plow wrote:

I'm replying to myself which is usually viewed as a sign of mental

   That's OK. You fit right in with the other regulars. ;-)

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.

I am wondering now when I initialize the memory (wipe 12C settings),
does this affect every single adjustable parameter? I assume this sets
all parameters to their factory (initial) data. We are talking about
20+ pages of parameters and data. Do I have to write all this down
before I initialize? Looking at the service manual, there is a picture
of what the 12C menu looks like. There are about 22 items listed, but
only 8 have data listed. The others only have a blank box next to
them, for example the "sub bright". But when I go down to the
parameter list, the sub bright has an initial data of 80. Another
example is the OSD. Blank box and no data on main menu, but 11
parameters on the list. It looks like the main menu items that have a
blank box next to them all have many adjustable parameters in the
parameter list. Sorry this is so long, but I'm trying to make this
understandable. Should I have to worry about the million parameters
not listed on the main menu before initializing?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Also forgot to mention - It is the I2C, not the 12C.
I just got to work and had time to check for responses here. Thanks to
all that replied. I did manage to find a little more info regarding
this, and it is done through the service menu, as Meat plow said. I
think I know how to get to the service menu also. I will post a follow
up with the menu code, and the fix Monday I hope.
On Dec 13, 9:58 pm, wrote:
On Dec 13, 8:55 pm, wrote:

On Dec 13, 6:29 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <

Meat Plow wrote:

I'm replying to myself which is usually viewed as a sign of mental

   That's OK. You fit right in with the other regulars. ;-)

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.

I am wondering now when I initialize the memory (wipe 12C settings),
does this affect every single adjustable parameter? I assume this sets
all parameters to their factory (initial) data. We are talking about
20+ pages of parameters and data. Do I have to write all this down
before I initialize? Looking at the service manual, there is a picture
of what the 12C menu looks like. There are about 22 items listed, but
only 8 have data listed. The others only have a blank box next to
them, for example the "sub bright". But when I go down to the
parameter list, the sub bright has an initial data of 80. Another
example is the OSD. Blank box and no data on main menu, but 11
parameters on the list. It looks like the main menu items that have a
blank box next to them all have many adjustable parameters in the
parameter list. Sorry this is so long, but I'm trying to make this
understandable. Should I have to worry about the million parameters
not listed on the main menu before initializing?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Also forgot to mention - It is the I2C, not the 12C.
Solder (on back of crt connection board) a pot,,100k or so to at least
10M,, 1 connection to ground other to red gun,adjust pot,,
measure R,replace pot w/resistor.
WARNING HV,,use a plastic screwdriver to adjust pot
ie:plastic spoon or knife sharpened to screwdriver point
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 18:55:49 -0800 (PST), stokesbr@cox.netwrote:

On Dec 13, 6:29?pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <
Meat Plow wrote:

I'm replying to myself which is usually viewed as a sign of mental

? ?That's OK. You fit right in with the other regulars. ;-)

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.

I am wondering now when I initialize the memory (wipe 12C settings),
does this affect every single adjustable parameter? I assume this sets
all parameters to their factory (initial) data. We are talking about
20+ pages of parameters and data. Do I have to write all this down
before I initialize? Looking at the service manual, there is a picture
of what the 12C menu looks like. There are about 22 items listed, but
only 8 have data listed. The others only have a blank box next to
them, for example the "sub bright". But when I go down to the
parameter list, the sub bright has an initial data of 80. Another
example is the OSD. Blank box and no data on main menu, but 11
parameters on the list. It looks like the main menu items that have a
blank box next to them all have many adjustable parameters in the
parameter list. Sorry this is so long, but I'm trying to make this
understandable. Should I have to worry about the million parameters
not listed on the main menu before initializing?
The reset would affect every setting you can access in the I2C service
menu. If they are blank I wouldn't worry about them except to note
they were blank. Some of those blank settings may rely upon other
modes of operations to be apparent as in video settings for other
resolutions like 480i/480p/720i/720p etc.....

Welcome to

