Looking for a MOSFET with a 100 or 150-200 (would be better), Vds
N-channel that can switch a couple amps at a couple MHz, preferably in
D-pak or something for ease of compact Manhattan-prototyping.
MOSFET-selection is always problematic for me there are so many and the
parameters like temperature de-rating and how fast you can switch it at
a given temperature all interact so it's hard to know where to start. A
master list of a few favorite devices to run the numbers on/check in the
sim/blow up by accident, for a set of applications/speeds/voltages that
are people's favorites to use in their own work would be helpful, if
anyone's got a physical or mental list or somethin'.
N-channel that can switch a couple amps at a couple MHz, preferably in
D-pak or something for ease of compact Manhattan-prototyping.
MOSFET-selection is always problematic for me there are so many and the
parameters like temperature de-rating and how fast you can switch it at
a given temperature all interact so it's hard to know where to start. A
master list of a few favorite devices to run the numbers on/check in the
sim/blow up by accident, for a set of applications/speeds/voltages that
are people's favorites to use in their own work would be helpful, if
anyone's got a physical or mental list or somethin'.