Hello everyone, I need (well ok, would like) to know where I could obtain
high voltage capacitors. And yes I will be more specfic
Prefferably int he 2-4 kV range (its for a project so EXACT voltage doesnt
matter too much). And a MicroFarad rating of 5+...
Also, um.. anything under $500 would be ideal... I dont exactly have a
goverment funded budget...
And, transformers... A sorce would be nice for transformers that can charge
my caps (DC) with 300-500 (I have several and thus would need several
transistors of course). And another for these high voltage caps...
And for curious readers, these will be used in several projects but the
first being a high powered coil gun and perhaps a rail gun in the future. (I
know rail guns have been done to death it seems, which is why id like to
make a coil gun that can match some of the better amatur rail guns out
And lastly, anyone with any knowledge of caps, transistors, rail guns, coil
gun, or other electromagnetic devices can (and i encourage lol) email me.
high voltage capacitors. And yes I will be more specfic
Prefferably int he 2-4 kV range (its for a project so EXACT voltage doesnt
matter too much). And a MicroFarad rating of 5+...
Also, um.. anything under $500 would be ideal... I dont exactly have a
goverment funded budget...
And, transformers... A sorce would be nice for transformers that can charge
my caps (DC) with 300-500 (I have several and thus would need several
transistors of course). And another for these high voltage caps...
And for curious readers, these will be used in several projects but the
first being a high powered coil gun and perhaps a rail gun in the future. (I
know rail guns have been done to death it seems, which is why id like to
make a coil gun that can match some of the better amatur rail guns out
And lastly, anyone with any knowledge of caps, transistors, rail guns, coil
gun, or other electromagnetic devices can (and i encourage lol) email me.