Pablo Bleyer Kocik
Does anybody know if such a beast exists? I have been looking for any
VHF/UHF transceiver with a -40 - +125şC (or even +105şC) temp range
without luck. There seems to be automotive temperature RF
*transmitters* (Chipcon, Melexis, etc.) but no automotive temperature
Any help much appreciated.
Warmest regards.
PabloBleyerKocik /"I am overwhelmed by an irresistible temptation
pbleyer2004 / to do my climb by moonlight and unroped."
@embedded.cl / -- William Shockley
Does anybody know if such a beast exists? I have been looking for any
VHF/UHF transceiver with a -40 - +125şC (or even +105şC) temp range
without luck. There seems to be automotive temperature RF
*transmitters* (Chipcon, Melexis, etc.) but no automotive temperature
Any help much appreciated.
Warmest regards.
PabloBleyerKocik /"I am overwhelmed by an irresistible temptation
pbleyer2004 / to do my climb by moonlight and unroped."
@embedded.cl / -- William Shockley