High speed LED

Does anyone know where I can get a high speed LED for strobing a
rotating q-switch?
On 9 Dec 2005 11:02:01 -0800, sinebar@bellsouth.net wrote:

It turns about 30000 RPM.
That's not fast by LED standards - 500 cps

You say Q-switch, and I infer state of the art, femtosecond, optical
crystal switch . . .

Low/Mid audio frequencies, that sounds like any old run of the mill
LED. In contrast your TV remote operates at 40,000 cps or so.

Any special color or intensity requirements?

I'm assuming you want this as a visual stop-motion tachometer. Strobe
the LED at a known, adjustable frequency, then read the speed from the
pulse generator? If that's the case, you don't have to worry about a
special led . . .

LEDs could easily work into the millions of RPM without breaking a

Depending on your budget, there's a lot of ready made non-contact
tachometers you could use.

Search for: optical tachometer, Strobotach, Stroboscope, non-contact

Stroboscope was something manufactured in the 60's using a high speed
flash lamp, today the word is generic for stop motion optical tachs.

has a schematic of a somewhat crude optical tach.


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30 krpm is not a problem for a LED strobe, so any non-white LED should be

What do you want to modify in the circuit? What angular resolution is

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