High Efficiency LEDs?


Shannon H.

My apologies if the following question is a dumb one, but could someone
please explain to me if there is any difference between the standard
LEDs that one might expect to find at Radio Shack and those installed in
certain newer-model, long-lasting LED-style flashlights, garden lights
and lanterns?

I have seen several products in catalogs in recent months which claim
that because of some new technology, their LEDs not only last 1000,000
hours, but they also draw less power than other, older LEDs. I did, btw,
purchase one of those lanterns and I must say that 'm amazd how long one
set of D cells will run that light... It has a selector switch to choose
between either 15 or 30 LED brightness and when I put on "low" for a
little test, it ran for 5 days straight before I finally turned it off
and it was still going strong.

High efficiency LEDs? Is that actually the case? And if so, could
someone tell me specifically where I might be able to purchase them and
exactly what I should ask for when ordering?

I'm looking for amber-colored LEDs as opposed to the white ones-- if
that makes any difference. I'm hoping to replace the LEDs in the outdoor
solar powered lamp posts that line my driveway. They currently yield
approximately seven hours of run time on one day's charge. I'm just
afraid that switching to another brand (type) of LED would eat up too
much power and make the light last fewer hours during the night.

Please feel free to email me with any information or advice that you
think may be helpful-- it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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