Brannon King
I have a 1.5 MB file of extremely hierarchical Verilog. It brings XST to its
knees with a lame message about 2GB of RAM already in use.
Who makes the best Verilog compiler?
Who can handle hierarchical files that big?
Who flattens before they attempt to compile?
Is there a structural flattener for Windows anywhere?
Is there an EDIF flattener anywhere?
Would VHDL be a better choice in this case?
knees with a lame message about 2GB of RAM already in use.
Who makes the best Verilog compiler?
Who can handle hierarchical files that big?
Who flattens before they attempt to compile?
Is there a structural flattener for Windows anywhere?
Is there an EDIF flattener anywhere?
Would VHDL be a better choice in this case?