I am trying to simulate the following in Modelsim:
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
signal t_wraddress : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-- Instead of writing t_wraddress <= ("00010" & "0000100010");
-- or t_wraddress <= "000100000100010";
-- I want
-- some shorter expressions like
t_wraddress(14 downto 10) <= to_stdlogicvector(x"02");
t_wraddress(9 downto 0) <= to_stdlogicvector(x"22");
But I get the warning:
# Ambiguous parameter type to function 'to_stdlogicvector'.
# Expression is illegal VHDL-1993 but legal VHDL-1987.
So how can I change that ?
I tried to find some answers in different posts but...
Thank you for your help.
I am trying to simulate the following in Modelsim:
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
signal t_wraddress : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-- Instead of writing t_wraddress <= ("00010" & "0000100010");
-- or t_wraddress <= "000100000100010";
-- I want
-- some shorter expressions like
t_wraddress(14 downto 10) <= to_stdlogicvector(x"02");
t_wraddress(9 downto 0) <= to_stdlogicvector(x"22");
But I get the warning:
# Ambiguous parameter type to function 'to_stdlogicvector'.
# Expression is illegal VHDL-1993 but legal VHDL-1987.
So how can I change that ?
I tried to find some answers in different posts but...
Thank you for your help.