Mark W. Lund, PhD
I am trying to specify the connector shown at
to a company in china. Can anyone help me with a manufacturer,
part number, or even what these things are called? I have
spent many hours pouring through connector catalogs and web
pages and I am stumped!
Mark W. Lund, PhD ** Battery Chargers
CEO ** Bulk Cells and Custom Battery Packs
PowerStream Technology ** Custom Power Supplies
140 S. Mountainway Drive ** DC/DC Converters
Orem Utah 84058 ** Custom UPS
http://www.PowerStream.com ** Engineering, manufacturing, consulting
to a company in china. Can anyone help me with a manufacturer,
part number, or even what these things are called? I have
spent many hours pouring through connector catalogs and web
pages and I am stumped!
Mark W. Lund, PhD ** Battery Chargers
CEO ** Bulk Cells and Custom Battery Packs
PowerStream Technology ** Custom Power Supplies
140 S. Mountainway Drive ** DC/DC Converters
Orem Utah 84058 ** Custom UPS
http://www.PowerStream.com ** Engineering, manufacturing, consulting