Here you go Smart-A American, What the encyclopedia said abo



Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ...

United States Students' Performance on International Tests :: CESE ...
May 15, 2007 ... The reality check is that American students performed far below other advanced ... They did very poorly in tests of original, creative, logical thinking. ... Learning for Tomorrow's World: First Results from PISA 2003. ... -

Who is truly a crackpot? you sonofabitches or me? remember I speak 5 languages, you speak No language. You can't compute in your head, you do your math the long way, you're all are drunk w/ your Analsex.

Stop listening to the appliance seller (Wayne) for your technical needs. Stop teaching each other your junky design.
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 08:27:08 -0700, "richardson"
<> wrote:

Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ...

United States Students' Performance on International Tests :: CESE ...
May 15, 2007 ... The reality check is that American students performed far below other advanced ... They did very poorly in tests of original, creative, logical thinking. ... Learning for Tomorrow's World: First Results from PISA 2003. ... -
Did they include the tens of millions of immigrant kids whose native
language isn't English?

And who writes "International Tests" anyhow?

Who is truly a crackpot? you sonofabitches or me? remember I speak 5 languages, you speak No language. You can't compute in your head, you do your math the long way, you're all are drunk w/ your Analsex.

Stop listening to the appliance seller (Wayne) for your technical needs. Stop teaching each other your junky design.
So quit buying US integrated circuits, electronic systems, software,
and wheat. Make your electronics, systems, and pasta from something
else. Oh, quit using Google and Yahoo and Bing too. Fly Airbus and
Russian planes only.

Best of luck.

WOW >>> 50,200,000 articles found for Fraud in America:

Search Results:

1.. Bob Jensen's History of Fraud in America
Earliest "business" fraud in America centered around phony heath cures. Armstrong and Armstrong (1991) document many of the snake oil ploys that commenced ... - Cached - Similar
2.. Fight Fraud America
In order to reduce insurance fraud, that perception must be changed. When America realizes that "they are stealing MY money," perhaps our population will ... - Cached - Similar
3.. License to Steal-How Fraud Bleeds America's Health Care System ...
License to Steal-How Fraud Bleeds America's Health Care System, updated edition. . - book review from FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The provided by Find ... - Cached - Similar
4.. Mortgage Fraud in America: Misreprentations on Loan Applications ...
Mortgage fraud in America led to the recent crisis in the financial lending industry that was caused by misrepresentation and outright lies about income and ... - Cached - Similar
5.. Bernard Madoff's hedge fund 'fraud': Are you affected? - Telegraph
Dec 15, 2008 ... The news that several British banks have lost hundreds of millions of pounds in an alleged hedge fund fraud in America will have alarmed ... - Similar
6.. License to Steal: Why Fraud Plagues America's Health ... License to Steal: Why Fraud Plagues America's Health Care System: Malcolm K Sparrow: Books. - Cached - Similar
7.. NEJM -- License to Steal: Why fraud plagues America's health care ...
Book Review from The New England Journal of Medicine -- License to Steal: Why fraud plagues America's health care system. - Similar
by HL Smits - 1997 - All 3 versions
8.. Fraud in America : Legal Article by Rea & Associates, Inc.
In a recent report released by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, it's estimated that US organizations are suffering losses of $660 billion ... - Cached - Similar
9.. Detecting Fraud in America's Gilded Age | Voting Technology Project
Detecting Fraud in America's Gilded Age. Submitted by gbain on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 08:52. in. Featured Content. Working Paper No.: 2. Date Published: ... - Cached - Similar
10.. Vote Fraud in America ~ Video Collection | Fluxview, USA
Bill Moss. America's Illegitimate Election 2004. This is a compilation of Mainstream, Corporate News Reports of the Fraud involved in our last election. ... - Cached - Similar
Searches related to: Fraud in America aiding and abetting fraud association of certified fraud examiners voting machines fraud fraud in medicare
election fraud fraud in healthcare

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So much for the dumbfucks thinking they're clean and top notch!.......heehee.........Keep lifting yourselve you sonofabitches. The world is tired of your gibbering.
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 10:33:30 -0700, "richardson"
<> wrote:

WOW >>> 50,200,000 articles found for Fraud in America:

Search Results:

So much for the dumbfucks thinking they're clean and top notch!.......heehee.........Keep lifting yourselve you sonofabitches. The world is tired of your gibbering.
Don't feed the trolls.

One may also note that it was posted through Maybe the espresso machine
was OOC.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 08:27:08 -0700, "richardson"
<> wrote:

Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ...

United States Students' Performance on International Tests :: CESE ...
May 15, 2007 ... The reality check is that American students performed far below other advanced ... They did very poorly in tests of original, creative, logical thinking. ... Learning for Tomorrow's World: First Results from PISA 2003. ... -

Who is truly a crackpot? you sonofabitches or me?
Clearly, you are.

Remember I speak 5 languages, you speak No language.

Not true, since most of us here speak English, and some of us speak
other languages as well.

Also, it's strange that you boast about your prowess with language and
you don't know not to capitalize 'no' unless it's the first word in a

Could it be that instead of 5 languages you speak about a fifth of


You can't compute in your head, you do your math the long way,
you're all are drunk w/ your Analsex.
Where'd you get _that_ "information"?

Stop listening to the appliance seller (Wayne) for your technical needs.
Stop teaching each other your junky design.
"Junky design"???

Strange, coming from someone who doesn't know the difference between a
resistor and a capacitor.

Probably the best advice would be to stop listening to _you_, seeing as
how you're nothing more than an America-bashing pinhead.

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:24:19 -0500, John Fields
<> wrote:

Could it be that instead of 5 languages you speak about a fifth of

He may speek five languages, but he's proficient only in one -
Definition of profanity:
The attempt of a feeble mind to express itself forcibly.

and for smart-asses information, I am neither American nor English. wrote:

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:24:19 -0500, John Fields> wrote:

Could it be that instead of 5 languages you speak about a fifth of

He may speek five languages, but he's proficient only in one -
Definition of profanity:
The attempt of a feeble mind to express itself forcibly.

and for smart-asses information, I am neither American nor English.
Well, I guess if one was using "Babel Fish", one could easily make
that claim :)
richardson wrote:
Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ...
I'm not surprised, considering so many USA colleges are handing teaching
jobs to per diem "professors" who might know a niche area of a subject
but lack teaching skills, or have a poor grasp of the English language,
or even worse use the classroom as a pulpit for their political beliefs.
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 10:41:08 -0400, Steve Stone <>

richardson wrote:
Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ...

I'm not surprised, considering so many USA colleges are handing teaching
jobs to per diem "professors" who might know a niche area of a subject
but lack teaching skills, or have a poor grasp of the English language,
or even worse use the classroom as a pulpit for their political beliefs.
Cheating is rampant in University and College. There are studies that
show greater then 80% of respondents cheated in one form through out
their college or University education. Just gives you a feeling of
confidence when you go in for your next prostate exam!

I've seen people with their text books open during test etc. I've
been to both College and University it's the same you just pay more
for the privilege at University.

Before Butt Fuck Boy chimes in the studies included Ivy League schools
and are indicative of higher education institutions around the world.
It's safe to say dipshit is in the 80 percentile.

We've all seen this in forums or NG in Chinglish.

"Give me 300W inverter schematic BOM etc… for my Uni project"

That's the engineer who will be building consumer electronics for
import to NA and EU.
"Steve Stone" <> wrote in message
richardson wrote:
Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science -
A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students

I'm not surprised, considering so many USA colleges are handing teaching
jobs to per diem "professors" who might know a niche area of a subject but
lack teaching skills, or have a poor grasp of the English language, or
even worse use the classroom as a pulpit for their political beliefs.

Or their religious beliefs.
On Jul 17, 4:27 pm, "richardson" <> wrote:
Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ....

United States Students' Performance on International Tests :: CESE ...
May 15, 2007 ... The reality check is that American students performed far below other advanced ... They did very poorly in tests of original, creative, logical thinking. ... Learning for Tomorrow's World: First Results from PISA 2003. -

Who is truly a crackpot? you sonofabitches or me? remember I speak 5 languages, you speak No language. You can't compute in your head, you do your math the long way, you're all are drunk w/ your Analsex.

Stop listening to the appliance seller (Wayne) for your technical needs. Stop teaching each other your junky design.
So where does your country appear on this list?
You ARE from Papua New Guinea aren't you?
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 20:37:01 +0000, RamRod Sword of Baal wrote:
"Steve Stone" <> wrote in message
richardson wrote:
Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science -
A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students

I'm not surprised, considering so many USA colleges are handing teaching
jobs to per diem "professors" who might know a niche area of a subject but
lack teaching skills, or have a poor grasp of the English language, or
even worse use the classroom as a pulpit for their political beliefs.

Or their religious beliefs.
In many cases, the two are virtually indistinguishable. >:->

"harry" <> wrote in message
On Jul 17, 4:27 pm, "richardson" <> wrote:
Students Test Below Average; In World, U.S. Fares Poorly in Math ...
Students Test Below Average; In World, US Fares Poorly in Math, Science - A new international comparison of schoolchildren shows American students ...

United States Students' Performance on International Tests :: CESE ...
May 15, 2007 ... The reality check is that American students performed far below other advanced ... They did very poorly in tests of original, creative, logical thinking. ... Learning for Tomorrow's World: First Results from PISA 2003. -

Who is truly a crackpot? you sonofabitches or me? remember I speak 5 languages, you speak No language. You can't compute in your head, you do your math the long way, you're all are drunk w/ your Analsex.

Stop listening to the appliance seller (Wayne) for your technical needs. Stop teaching each other your junky design.

So where does your country appear on this list? You ARE from Papua New Guinea aren't you?
Dumbass, are you prepared for the next 6 month agony American Refugee? Your fucked-up brain won't save you. You will be out of fuel, out of power, you will be running scare like chicken with food crisis.

Good thing I decided not to share/file a patent about my products, what you dumbass criticized is worth more than Gold and Silver. I am selling them to people who respect me, yes to foreigners. Soon your junk $$$ will be used to wipe your shit instead don't you know dumbass?

Welcome to

