helppppppppppppppppppppppp!for design timer



I asked a question before and received answers which, although
to some extent, did not provide me with what I need to know. So, I
decided to rephrase the question.

I am yar intellegence then I decide send my problem to solve it
for me .I want to make a timer circuit to control 4point with this
following specification :

1- point one connect for an adjustable time with(variable
resistance)then point one disconect aand point two is connect

2- point two connect for an adjustable time with(variable
resistance)then point two disconect and point three is connect

3- point three connect for an adjustable time with(variable
resistance)then point three disconect and point four is connect

4- point four connect for an adjustable time with(variable
resistance)then point four disconect and point one is connect another

note: my problem is how can make the first circuit (555) triger the
next circuit
IF there is aanother useful IC's to catch my goal then why not

note :I try this circuit but it isnot worked
and I this component for each 555

pin2----10k resistance&in4148diode&connect to the next 555 pin 3
pin3----connect to a coil relay
pin4----connect to pin8
pin5----connect to 0.01 uf ceramic capacitor(the capacitor in between
pin 5 &gnd)
pin6----connect to 1000 uf&25volt electrolytic(polar)(the negative leg
is connected to gnd)&39k ohm connected in between pin6 & pin7
pin7----connect to 1 M ohm variable resistance in between pin 7&pin 8
pin 8----connect to the vcc (the power supply is 12volt adapter)

I want any help

thank you YAR

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