


hi! im just wondering if anyone here knows how to make a counter chip (Code=
MC74F163A, motorola)
count from 1 to 12, rather than 0 to 15, with the use of logic gates.. im
having trouble with it, for some reason when i wire it to the outputs, all i
get in binary (shown through LEDS' lighting up) is the number 4 and 15 :/

"Zero" <> wrote in message
hi! im just wondering if anyone here knows how to make a counter chip
MC74F163A, motorola)
count from 1 to 12, rather than 0 to 15, with the use of logic gates.. im
having trouble with it, for some reason when i wire it to the outputs, all
get in binary (shown through LEDS' lighting up) is the number 4 and 15 :/

Try a 7410 connected to the Q3,Q1, and Q0 outputs. Output goes to /MR

When the outputs reflect a count of b'1011', the NAND gate asserts reset,
which restarts the count at the next clock (the reset is synchronous)

Next time, read the datasheet:

Page 11 has this circuit designed for you.

Also, next time, it would be nice if you would post your question on
sci.electronics.basics. This newsgroup is for discussion of components.

Bob Monsen
"Robert Monsen" <> wrote in message
"Zero" <> wrote in message
hi! im just wondering if anyone here knows how to make a counter chip
MC74F163A, motorola)
count from 1 to 12, rather than 0 to 15, with the use of logic gates..
having trouble with it, for some reason when i wire it to the outputs,
get in binary (shown through LEDS' lighting up) is the number 4 and 15


Try a 7410 connected to the Q3,Q1, and Q0 outputs. Output goes to /MR

When the outputs reflect a count of b'1011', the NAND gate asserts reset,
which restarts the count at the next clock (the reset is synchronous)

Next time, read the datasheet:

Page 11 has this circuit designed for you.

Also, next time, it would be nice if you would post your question on
sci.electronics.basics. This newsgroup is for discussion of components.

Bob Monsen

thanks for the help.. sorry about the posting catagory.. im a newb heh..
"Robert Monsen" <> wrote in message
"Zero" <> wrote in message
hi! im just wondering if anyone here knows how to make a counter chip
MC74F163A, motorola)
count from 1 to 12, rather than 0 to 15, with the use of logic gates..
having trouble with it, for some reason when i wire it to the outputs,
get in binary (shown through LEDS' lighting up) is the number 4 and 15


Try a 7410 connected to the Q3,Q1, and Q0 outputs. Output goes to /MR

When the outputs reflect a count of b'1011', the NAND gate asserts reset,
which restarts the count at the next clock (the reset is synchronous)
No, that will cause it to count from 0 to 11. He wanted 1 to 12. Sounds like
a clock to me.

Next time, read the datasheet:

Page 11 has this circuit designed for you.
This link doesn't work so I can't tell if it's 0 to 11 or 1 to 12 on page 11
of that sheet.


Looks like homework, nevertheless:

First find the datasheet of this particular divice at

You'll find it to be a synchronous counter with preset (load) and clear. So
if you want to count from 1 to 12 you have to start with loading the 0001B,
then you count until you reach 12 and then reload again. So connect the
parallel load inputs to 0001B. Then make a gate circuit that detects 1100B
at the parallel outputs. In this particular case the 00s can be omitted as
the circuit should no reach the higher numbers. So one two input NAND gate
will be enough to check both ones. As the load pin is actvie low, you can
connect the output of that NAND directly to the load pin (/PE) of the
counter and your done.

Question for the students: You can design any range within the range 0-15
using only one 3 input NAND. How?


"Zero" <> schreef in bericht
hi! im just wondering if anyone here knows how to make a counter chip
MC74F163A, motorola)
count from 1 to 12, rather than 0 to 15, with the use of logic gates.. im
having trouble with it, for some reason when i wire it to the outputs, all
get in binary (shown through LEDS' lighting up) is the number 4 and 15 :/


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"Robert Monsen" <> wrote in message
"Zero" <> wrote in message
hi! im just wondering if anyone here knows how to make a counter chip
MC74F163A, motorola)
count from 1 to 12, rather than 0 to 15, with the use of logic gates..
having trouble with it, for some reason when i wire it to the outputs,
get in binary (shown through LEDS' lighting up) is the number 4 and 15


Try a 7410 connected to the Q3,Q1, and Q0 outputs. Output goes to /MR

When the outputs reflect a count of b'1011', the NAND gate asserts reset,
which restarts the count at the next clock (the reset is synchronous)

Next time, read the datasheet:

Page 11 has this circuit designed for you.

Also, next time, it would be nice if you would post your question on
sci.electronics.basics. This newsgroup is for discussion of components.

Bob Monsen
As several posters pointed out, I was giving bad advice. I didn't see the 1
to 12 requirement, I was assuming 0 through 11.

It looks like the /PE input is also synchronized with the clock, so use a
two input nand gate, with inputs connected to Q2 and Q3. Feed that back into
/PE. Tie /MR to Vcc. Set up the D0 through D3 inputs so D0 is tied to Vcc,
and the rest are tied to gnd. Make sure you tie the enables (CEP and CET) to

Bob Monsen

Welcome to

