I have a friend who loves this set and it's been not working for a while. He
asked me to look at it and I'll get it next week so I thought I''d do some
research .
The diagnostics light blinks 7 times indicating the problem is in the
horizontal deflection circuit.
The Schematics I have are very hard to read and I assume Q8001 and Q8013
are the output transistors and the most likely cause
They are IRF 1B7N 50 A which I can't find a source for
is there a sub or do I need go to sony
Is there something else I should be looking at ?
Thanks in advance
asked me to look at it and I'll get it next week so I thought I''d do some
research .
The diagnostics light blinks 7 times indicating the problem is in the
horizontal deflection circuit.
The Schematics I have are very hard to read and I assume Q8001 and Q8013
are the output transistors and the most likely cause
They are IRF 1B7N 50 A which I can't find a source for
is there a sub or do I need go to sony
Is there something else I should be looking at ?
Thanks in advance