Help with oscillator chip


Patrick Leonard

I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses only
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up? Do I simply
apply a voltage across it, and that will result in its oscillating? What
voltage do I use?

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"Patrick Leonard" <> wrote in message
I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up? Do I simply
apply a voltage across it, and that will result in its oscillating? What
voltage do I use?
There are lots of ways. Don't just apply voltage across it, that won't do

You need an active device like a transistor or inverter IC.

Try searching the web for 'crystal oscillator schematic'.

Bob Monsen
You likely have a crystal, which is only one of the component of a typical
crystal oscillator. It acts sort of like a very high "Q" LC combination.
There are many different circuit configurations that can be employed (and
not all will necessarily work so well for your particular device). Do a
Google search on, say, "crystal oscillator configurations" to get some
ideas. Here is one link that might be useful

Remove the "jam" if by email.

Patrick Leonard <> wrote in message
I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up? Do I simply
apply a voltage across it, and that will result in its oscillating? What
voltage do I use?

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Patrick Leonard wrote:
I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses only
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up?
To what ?
What will you use it for ?

Nothing, really. I just want to look at its output on an oscope.

"Jan-Erik Söderholm" <> wrote in message
Patrick Leonard wrote:

I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up?

To what ?
What will you use it for ?


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Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date: 19/08/2003
Well, you can't. What you have is most probaby a "crystal".
It doesn't have any "output", and it can't do anything without
an oscilator.

Now, with just two pins, and after connecting power and ground,
where did you thought the "signal" would exit anyway ?


Patrick Leonard wrote:
Nothing, really. I just want to look at its output on an oscope.

"Jan-Erik Söderholm" <> wrote in message
Patrick Leonard wrote:

I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up?

To what ?
What will you use it for ?


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date: 19/08/2003
Well, you can't. What you have is most probaby a "crystal".
It doesn't have any "output", and it can't do anything without
an oscilator.

Now, with just two pins, and after connecting power and ground,
where did you thought the "signal" would exit anyway ?
.....hence my original post :)

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date: 19/08/2003
Hi Jan-Erik,

Now, with just two pins, and after connecting power and ground,
where did you thought the "signal" would exit anyway ?
Not that it's done (AFAIK), but it could be - if current driven :)

Something like this:

O V+
+---O Output


* If it puzzles you dear... Reverse engineer *
"Patrick Leonard" <> wrote in message
I have one of those can-type crystal oscillator chips (2 Mhz) that uses
2 leads. Could someone tell me how to wire this thing up? Do I simply
apply a voltage across it, and that will result in its oscillating? What
voltage do I use?
Any moderately fast inverter will work. In particular, 74HCT04 or the 4049
will both work.

R1 220k
| |
| |
| |\ |
+---| >O--+
| |/ |
| .-.
| | |
| | | R2 220
| _ '-'
| | | |
+--|| ||--+
| |_| |
--- ---
--- ---
| | C1 = C2 = 22pF
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