Mike Paull
Just over a week ago someone hit my car while it was parked in a local
supermarket carpark. A note was left on my windshield with a mobile phone
number and a first name. Since that time I have tried ringing it on a
number of occasions, at first it rang out, then i left an SMS and finally
now it seems to be constantly engaged.
I am hoping that someone in the newsgroup may have the resources available
to be able to provide me with a full name and possibly an address so I can
make a claim with my insurance agency.
Please, if anyone can help i'd be very thankfull.
If you are able to help me, i can email you the details that were left, or
you can email me first on mike351 (at) ozemail . com . au
Any help appreciated.
Just over a week ago someone hit my car while it was parked in a local
supermarket carpark. A note was left on my windshield with a mobile phone
number and a first name. Since that time I have tried ringing it on a
number of occasions, at first it rang out, then i left an SMS and finally
now it seems to be constantly engaged.
I am hoping that someone in the newsgroup may have the resources available
to be able to provide me with a full name and possibly an address so I can
make a claim with my insurance agency.
Please, if anyone can help i'd be very thankfull.
If you are able to help me, i can email you the details that were left, or
you can email me first on mike351 (at) ozemail . com . au
Any help appreciated.