Help with MC68HC908AZ60 2J74Y chip please

First of all let me apologise for my ignorance of electronics, but
hopefully some kind sole out there may take pity on me and be able to
help me with my problem.

The problem I have is with the instrument cluster on my car which has
recently developed a fault. After a lot of Internet trawling I have
discovered that the fault is caused by the MC68HC908AZ60 2J74Y chip,
this chip is responsible for driving all of the gauges, dials and
lamps etc.
The fault takes the form of the gauges & warning lamps pulsing &
flashing when the ignition is turned on. This fault condition can last
anywhere between 20 seconds & a few minutes before the instruments
return to normal operation. My research has turned up the fact that
the fault is temperature related & when it's cold the fault persists
for longer than it does when it is warmer.

Is it possible to read this chip if it were removed from the
instrument cluster?
I have read that the chip is code protected but then I have read of
them being read so I'm a bit confused?

If it can be read can I buy a new chip & programme the dump of the
defective chip onto the new chip?

What would sort of programmer would I need to do this?

Thank you & here's hoping for some advice with this problem.


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