I have been trying to build an Infrared strobe. I have been able to make the
diodes flash off and on using a 555 timer circuit. But I can not make them
strobe....I'm missing something here ????
What do I need to do to make the IR diodes STROBE BRIGHTLY not just turn off
and on ( I use Night vision equipment to see them). I purchased a real IR
Strobe (40 dollars) but its encased and I can't determine how
they made it strobe very brightly with just 3 diodes and a 9v battery. I'm
sure I need to hit the diodes with either a much larger voltage than normal
or something...
Any help would be great.
diodes flash off and on using a 555 timer circuit. But I can not make them
strobe....I'm missing something here ????
What do I need to do to make the IR diodes STROBE BRIGHTLY not just turn off
and on ( I use Night vision equipment to see them). I purchased a real IR
Strobe (40 dollars) but its encased and I can't determine how
they made it strobe very brightly with just 3 diodes and a 9v battery. I'm
sure I need to hit the diodes with either a much larger voltage than normal
or something...
Any help would be great.