I've been messing around with a communications board lately which can have T1
or E1 interfaces. I'd like to change one into the other. Naturally I'll need to
change the framing IC's (and a few other things not related to timing), but I
think for it to run correctly, I need to also change the clock driving them.
Stuff I know:
The T1 framer uses a 1.544mhz master clock
The E1 framer uses a 2.048mhz master clock
The main clock for the whole board is 50.000mhz.
There is only one clock crystal on the board, so everything must be derived
from this crystal I would think.
There are no PLL chips on the board that I can immediately identify
There ARE flip-flops on the board, but I don't see how a flip flop would be
used to generate either of these clock frequencies from a clock of exactly
50.000mhz, since 50.000 does not divide down evenly into either 1.544 or 2.048
There ARE quite a few FPGA's on the board, and the identity of the board
(whether it thinks it's T1 or E1) is determined by the contents of a EEPROM.
My theory right now is that something in firmware looks at what the board
identifies itself as, and decides how to set something in an FPGA that produces
the clocks. Does this seem feasible?
Also, what other methods could it be using to get 1.544mhz and 2.048mhz from
The framing IC's in question are Dallas/Maxim DS2152L (T1) and DS2154L (E1). I
have datasheets if anybody wants to have a look.
or E1 interfaces. I'd like to change one into the other. Naturally I'll need to
change the framing IC's (and a few other things not related to timing), but I
think for it to run correctly, I need to also change the clock driving them.
Stuff I know:
The T1 framer uses a 1.544mhz master clock
The E1 framer uses a 2.048mhz master clock
The main clock for the whole board is 50.000mhz.
There is only one clock crystal on the board, so everything must be derived
from this crystal I would think.
There are no PLL chips on the board that I can immediately identify
There ARE flip-flops on the board, but I don't see how a flip flop would be
used to generate either of these clock frequencies from a clock of exactly
50.000mhz, since 50.000 does not divide down evenly into either 1.544 or 2.048
There ARE quite a few FPGA's on the board, and the identity of the board
(whether it thinks it's T1 or E1) is determined by the contents of a EEPROM.
My theory right now is that something in firmware looks at what the board
identifies itself as, and decides how to set something in an FPGA that produces
the clocks. Does this seem feasible?
Also, what other methods could it be using to get 1.544mhz and 2.048mhz from
The framing IC's in question are Dallas/Maxim DS2152L (T1) and DS2154L (E1). I
have datasheets if anybody wants to have a look.