Help with circuit diagram please




I have a slightly unusual project I wonder if someone can help with. I
need to customise a guitar to include 20 4.8v 3A torch batteries. They
will be powered by 2 4.5V Alkaline batteries, the tricky bit is that i
need the lights to flash on and off in groups of 4 or 5. Basically I
think i am looking at having 4 or 5 loops of lights presumambly in
serial, connected to 4 or 5 channels. What I am lacking is a simple
controller to switch channels on a timer (once per second would be
about right)

I think the controller itself should be relatively simple but I don't
know how to design it. Can anyone email me a basic diagram and list of
components i would require? The 2 principle considerations are that it
would need to be basic as I am not an electrician, and secondly that it
would be fairly compact as it needs to fit in a guitar.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry my mistake. the bulbs are 4.8v 3A. There are 20 lights I want to
install on the guitar, my idea is to have a 4 or 5 channel controller,
each channel operating a group of 4 or 5 lights so that a different
group of lights flashes on every 1 second. The lights would only need
to operate for 5-10 minutes so battery life shouldn't be a major

I hope this calarifies

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