Help with Chip ID



I have a solar panel on my roof for domestic hot water assistance. My
controller malfunctioned last winter and my plate froze up on one of
those rare nights when the temperature dropped to 30 degrees. I have
silver soldered all the leaks in the copper panel and I am in the
process of of repairing the controller.
I have checked the value all the resistors and replaced two that were
out of tolerance. I also replaced one zener diode, six of the seven
capacitors and the triac All that is left is the I/C chip.

My problem is this. I cannot identify the I/C chip. I have searched
every electronic parts book in town, and did a lot of web searching.
The marking on top of the chip are as follows: H1501 and 8??40. On the
bottom it is marked L120. It is a 16 pin I/C. My panel and controller
was manufactured by General Energy Device down in Clearwater Fl. They
are out of business and have been for years. With the exception of
replacing a triac several years ago the system has operated flawlessly
for over 30 years. Any suggestions on how to identify this chip? I
have made a schematic of the board.
I have rechecked it several times and I think it is correct. I have
posted it at-- If
someone can help I have also taken voltage reading at each pin and
have all the resistor, cap and diode values.
Many thanks to all who can help.
"Yarb" <> wrote in message
I have a solar panel on my roof for domestic hot water assistance. My
controller malfunctioned last winter and my plate froze up on one of
those rare nights when the temperature dropped to 30 degrees. I have
silver soldered all the leaks in the copper panel and I am in the
process of of repairing the controller.
I have checked the value all the resistors and replaced two that were
out of tolerance. I also replaced one zener diode, six of the seven
capacitors and the triac All that is left is the I/C chip.

My problem is this. I cannot identify the I/C chip. I have searched
every electronic parts book in town, and did a lot of web searching.
The marking on top of the chip are as follows: H1501 and 8??40. On the
bottom it is marked L120. It is a 16 pin I/C. My panel and controller
was manufactured by General Energy Device down in Clearwater Fl. They
are out of business and have been for years. With the exception of
replacing a triac several years ago the system has operated flawlessly
for over 30 years. Any suggestions on how to identify this chip? I
have made a schematic of the board.
I have rechecked it several times and I think it is correct. I have
posted it at-- If
someone can help I have also taken voltage reading at each pin and
have all the resistor, cap and diode values.
Many thanks to all who can help.

Can't see it....Paul

You don't have permission to access /~yarberbd/solar03.jpg on this server.
In article <>,
Yarb <> wrote:
My problem is this. I cannot identify the I/C chip. I have searched
every electronic parts book in town, and did a lot of web searching.
The marking on top of the chip are as follows: H1501 and 8??40. On the
bottom it is marked L120. It is a 16 pin I/C. My panel and controller
was manufactured by General Energy Device down in Clearwater Fl. They
are out of business and have been for years. With the exception of
replacing a triac several years ago the system has operated flawlessly
for over 30 years. Any suggestions on how to identify this chip? I
have made a schematic of the board.
The L120 was an SCR/TRIAC phase control IC, from SGS-ATES, an Italian
semiconductor company. SGS-ATES merged with Thomson to become ST,
try (or something like that). I'm pretty sure they don't
make it anymore, but it was pretty common and somebody may have some
for the repair market. Maybe one of the UK or German repair parts
houses (Cricklewood? Grandata?).

Mark Zenier Washington State resident

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