Help with AD630 in Pspice



I was using AD630 in a Lock-in Amplifier Design and Simulation. But it
seems so difficult to simulate the circuit,the pin
2(CHA+),18(CHB+),7(STAT),12(COMP) needs not to be connected.If I leave
them alone,the pspice will report that
"ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHA+'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHB-'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'COMP'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'STAT'

what can i do?

i tried to connect the Pin2 and Pin 18 directly,and Pin 7 to GND with
resistor,and Pin12 directly to Pin13.

it is reported that:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time =
Time step = 9.592E-15, minimum allowable step size =

These voltages failed to converge:

V(X_U1.22) = -447.86uV \ -445.57uV

These supply currents failed to converge:

I(X_U1.ECMA) = 298.52uA \ 296.21uA
I(X_U1.ECMB) = -29.57uA \ -31.88uA
I( = 1.979uA \ 1.661uA

What would I do to solve this terrible problem?
Here is the schematic!
On Fri, 21 May 2004 18:55:38 +0800, Archer <>

I was using AD630 in a Lock-in Amplifier Design and Simulation. But it
seems so difficult to simulate the circuit,the pin
2(CHA+),18(CHB+),7(STAT),12(COMP) needs not to be connected.If I leave
them alone,the pspice will report that
"ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHA+'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHB-'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'COMP'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'STAT'

what can i do?

i tried to connect the Pin2 and Pin 18 directly,and Pin 7 to GND with
resistor,and Pin12 directly to Pin13.

it is reported that:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time =
Time step = 9.592E-15, minimum allowable step size =

These voltages failed to converge:

V(X_U1.22) = -447.86uV \ -445.57uV

These supply currents failed to converge:

I(X_U1.ECMA) = 298.52uA \ 296.21uA
I(X_U1.ECMB) = -29.57uA \ -31.88uA
I( = 1.979uA \ 1.661uA

What would I do to solve this terrible problem?
Highlight part. Edit part. Change pin properties to "Float=Connect
High Value R".

"Time step too small" can result from attempting TOO LONG a
simulation. Can you post the .CIR file?

On Fri, 21 May 2004 18:55:38 +0800, Archer <>

I was using AD630 in a Lock-in Amplifier Design and Simulation. But it
seems so difficult to simulate the circuit,the pin
2(CHA+),18(CHB+),7(STAT),12(COMP) needs not to be connected.If I leave
them alone,the pspice will report that
"ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHA+'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHB-'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'COMP'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'STAT'

what can i do?

i tried to connect the Pin2 and Pin 18 directly,and Pin 7 to GND with
resistor,and Pin12 directly to Pin13.

it is reported that:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time =
Time step = 9.592E-15, minimum allowable step size =

These voltages failed to converge:

V(X_U1.22) = -447.86uV \ -445.57uV

These supply currents failed to converge:

I(X_U1.ECMA) = 298.52uA \ 296.21uA
I(X_U1.ECMB) = -29.57uA \ -31.88uA
I( = 1.979uA \ 1.661uA

What would I do to solve this terrible problem?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
There is no Float properties of these pins.
here is the cir:
** Profile: "amptest-amptest" [
C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_10.0\Works\AmpTest-PSpiceFiles\amptest\amptest.sim ]

** Creating circuit file "amptest.cir"

* Profile Libraries :
* Local Libraries :
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of
C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_10.0\tools\PSpice\PSpice.ini file:
..lib "nom.lib"

*Analysis directives:
..TRAN 0 12m 11m 0.001
..PROBE V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
..INC "..\"


and the netlist:

* source AMPTEST
C_PreFilter_C13 N91886 PreFilter_N104322 768.6p
C_PreFilter_C12 PreFilter_N104322 N91874 55.6n
L_PreFilter_L1 PreFilter_N104322 0 555.6m
R_Multiplier_R3 Multiplier_N111599 SINOUT 100k
C_Multiplier_C2 N92319 Multiplier_N111311 1u
C_Multiplier_C3 0 SINOUT 10u
R_Multiplier_R7 0 Multiplier_N116309 100000Meg
X_Multiplier_U1 Multiplier_N121913 Multiplier_N111539
+ Multiplier_N111509 Multiplier_N116481 Multiplier_N111539 0 0
+ Multiplier_N111311 0 Multiplier_N111539 Multiplier_N111509
+ Multiplier_N116229 N90792 N92088 Multiplier_N111599 AD630J/AD
R_Multiplier_R4 0 Multiplier_N121913 100000Meg
R_Multiplier_R5 0 Multiplier_N116229 100000Meg
R_Multiplier_R6 0 Multiplier_N116481 100000Meg
C_Multiplier_C1 N90910 Multiplier_N111509 1u
V_V1 N92294 0
+SIN 0 1 10k 0 0 0
R_PreAmp_R12 PreAmp_N85382 N90910 R_PreAmp_R12 100k
..model R_PreAmp_R12 RES R=1 DEV=1%
R_PreAmp_R4 PreAmp_N85044 0 R_PreAmp_R4 60
..model R_PreAmp_R4 RES R=1 DEV=1%
R_PreAmp_R6 PreAmp_N85088 N90792 R_PreAmp_R6 3.4k
..model R_PreAmp_R6 RES R=1 DEV=1%
J_PreAmp_J3 PreAmp_N85088 N91886 PreAmp_N85032 J2SK170
R_PreAmp_R7 PreAmp_N85108 N90792 R_PreAmp_R7 5k
..model R_PreAmp_R7 RES R=1 DEV=1%
R_PreAmp_R8 0 PreAmp_N85032 R_PreAmp_R8 100
..model R_PreAmp_R8 RES R=1 DEV=1%
R_PreAmp_R9 0 PreAmp_N85232 R_PreAmp_R9 200
..model R_PreAmp_R9 RES R=1 DEV=1%
J_PreAmp_J4 PreAmp_N85108 PreAmp_N85138 PreAmp_N85232 J2SK147
R_PreAmp_R10 0 PreAmp_N85138 R_PreAmp_R10 600k
..model R_PreAmp_R10 RES R=1 DEV=1%
J_PreAmp_J5 N90792 PreAmp_N85108 N90910 J2SK147
C_PreAmp_C5 0 PreAmp_N85032 C_PreAmp_C5 10u
..model C_PreAmp_C5 CAP C=1 DEV=1%
C_PreAmp_C6 0 PreAmp_N85232 C_PreAmp_C6 1u
..model C_PreAmp_C6 CAP C=1 DEV=1%
C_PreAmp_C7 PreAmp_N85382 PreAmp_N85032 C_PreAmp_C7 10u
..model C_PreAmp_C7 CAP C=1 DEV=1%
C_PreAmp_C8 PreAmp_N85138 PreAmp_N85088 C_PreAmp_C8 10u
..model C_PreAmp_C8 CAP C=1 DEV=1%
R_PreAmp_R14 PreAmp_N85044 N91886 10Meg
R_PreAmp_R11 0 N90910 R_PreAmp_R11 300k
..model R_PreAmp_R11 RES R=1 DEV=1%
R_PreAmp_R3 N90792 PreAmp_N85044 R_PreAmp_R3 10k
..model R_PreAmp_R3 RES R=1 DEV=1%
R_Multiplier2_R3 Multiplier2_N111599 COSOUT 100k
C_Multiplier2_C2 N92371 Multiplier2_N111311 1u
C_Multiplier2_C3 0 COSOUT 10u
R_Multiplier2_R7 0 Multiplier2_N116309 100000Meg
X_Multiplier2_U1 Multiplier2_N121913 Multiplier2_N111539
+ Multiplier2_N111509 Multiplier2_N116481 Multiplier2_N111539 0 0
+ Multiplier2_N111311 0 Multiplier2_N111539 Multiplier2_N111509
+ Multiplier2_N116309 Multiplier2_N116229 N90792 N92088
+ AD630J/AD
R_Multiplier2_R4 0 Multiplier2_N121913 100000Meg
R_Multiplier2_R5 0 Multiplier2_N116229 100000Meg
R_Multiplier2_R6 0 Multiplier2_N116481 100000Meg
C_Multiplier2_C1 N90910 Multiplier2_N111509 1u
C_Power_C3 0 N92088 4.7u
C_Power_C4 0 N92088 47u
C_Power_C1 0 N90792 4.7u
C_Power_C2 0 N90792 47u
V_Power_V4 N90792 0 12
V_Power_V5 N92088 0 -12
R_Sensor_R1 Sensor_N102877 N91874 10k
V_Sensor_V5 Sensor_N102877 0 AC 1
+SIN 0 0.1u 10k 0 0 0
C_GeneWave_C14 GeneWave_N00770 GeneWave_N00923 4n
R_GeneWave_R4 GeneWave_N00807 N92319 1k
C_GeneWave_C1 N92294 GeneWave_N00770 8n
C_GeneWave_C15 GeneWave_N00797 GeneWave_N00942 2n
R_GeneWave_R5 N92294 GeneWave_N00818 1k
C_GeneWave_C2 GeneWave_N00818 GeneWave_N00797 4n
C_GeneWave_C16 GeneWave_N00807 GeneWave_N02216 1n
R_GeneWave_R6 GeneWave_N00818 GeneWave_N00830 1k
C_GeneWave_C3 GeneWave_N00830 GeneWave_N00807 2n
R_GeneWave_R18 GeneWave_N11185 N92294 1k
R_GeneWave_R7 GeneWave_N00830 GeneWave_N00843 1k
C_GeneWave_C4 GeneWave_N00843 N92319 1n
R_GeneWave_R8 GeneWave_N00843 N92371 1k
C_GeneWave_C5 GeneWave_N01186 GeneWave_N00818 8n
R_GeneWave_R9 GeneWave_N01186 GeneWave_N00857 1k
C_GeneWave_C6 GeneWave_N00857 GeneWave_N00830 4n
R_GeneWave_R10 GeneWave_N00857 GeneWave_N00872 1k
C_GeneWave_C7 GeneWave_N00872 GeneWave_N00843 2n
R_GeneWave_R17 GeneWave_N20770 0 1k
R_GeneWave_R11 GeneWave_N00872 GeneWave_N00888 1k
C_GeneWave_C8 GeneWave_N00888 N92371 1n
R_GeneWave_R12 GeneWave_N00888 GeneWave_N01865 1k
C_GeneWave_C9 GeneWave_N01186 GeneWave_N00857 8n
R_GeneWave_R13 GeneWave_N01186 GeneWave_N00905 1k
C_GeneWave_C10 GeneWave_N00905 GeneWave_N00872 4n
R_GeneWave_R14 GeneWave_N00905 GeneWave_N00923 1k
C_GeneWave_C11 GeneWave_N00923 GeneWave_N00888 2n
R_GeneWave_R1 N92294 GeneWave_N00770 1k
R_GeneWave_R15 GeneWave_N00923 GeneWave_N00942 1k
C_GeneWave_C12 GeneWave_N00942 GeneWave_N01865 1n
R_GeneWave_R2 GeneWave_N00770 GeneWave_N00797 1k
X_GeneWave_U2A GeneWave_N20770 GeneWave_N11185 N90792 N92088
+ GeneWave_N01186 AD648A
R_GeneWave_R19 GeneWave_N11185 GeneWave_N01186 1k
R_GeneWave_R16 GeneWave_N00942 GeneWave_N02216 1k
C_GeneWave_C13 N92294 GeneWave_N00905 8n
R_GeneWave_R3 GeneWave_N00797 GeneWave_N00807 1k

the Multiplier block is showed ,and the other blocks is Ok that be
tested before.

On Fri, 21 May 2004 07:17:59 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

Highlight part. Edit part. Change pin properties to "Float=Connect
High Value R".

"Time step too small" can result from attempting TOO LONG a
simulation. Can you post the .CIR file?

On Fri, 21 May 2004 18:55:38 +0800, Archer <

I was using AD630 in a Lock-in Amplifier Design and Simulation. But it
seems so difficult to simulate the circuit,the pin
2(CHA+),18(CHB+),7(STAT),12(COMP) needs not to be connected.If I leave
them alone,the pspice will report that
"ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHA+'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHB-'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'COMP'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'STAT'

what can i do?

i tried to connect the Pin2 and Pin 18 directly,and Pin 7 to GND with
resistor,and Pin12 directly to Pin13.

it is reported that:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time =
Time step = 9.592E-15, minimum allowable step size =

These voltages failed to converge:

V(X_U1.22) = -447.86uV \ -445.57uV

These supply currents failed to converge:

I(X_U1.ECMA) = 298.52uA \ 296.21uA
I(X_U1.ECMB) = -29.57uA \ -31.88uA
I( = 1.979uA \ 1.661uA

What would I do to solve this terrible problem?

...Jim Thompson
Archer wrote:
Here is the schematic!
On Fri, 21 May 2004 18:55:38 +0800, Archer <

I was using AD630 in a Lock-in Amplifier Design and Simulation. But it
seems so difficult to simulate the circuit,the pin
2(CHA+),18(CHB+),7(STAT),12(COMP) needs not to be connected.If I leave
them alone,the pspice will report that
"ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHA+'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHB-'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'COMP'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'STAT'

what can i do?

i tried to connect the Pin2 and Pin 18 directly,and Pin 7 to GND with
resistor,and Pin12 directly to Pin13.

it is reported that:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time =
Time step = 9.592E-15, minimum allowable step size =

These voltages failed to converge:

V(X_U1.22) = -447.86uV \ -445.57uV

These supply currents failed to converge:

I(X_U1.ECMA) = 298.52uA \ 296.21uA
I(X_U1.ECMB) = -29.57uA \ -31.88uA
I( = 1.979uA \ 1.661uA

What would I do to solve this terrible problem?

Haven't looked at teh part in detail, but it doesn't look like these
pins are to be unconnected. Also, the gif you posted is just for a
sub-block, so I can't see where everything else gets connected, but a
couple of tips.

First, 1G is more than enough to terminate an unused pin. There are
dynamic range issues in any simulator, so don't go too monster in
picking values. Second, every node needs a DC path to ground. Now,
sometimes if you don't provide one in your circuit, there is a path
THROUGH a model, but often those paths get 'interesting' and you get
convergence errors. So, terminate pins with no more than 1G, make sure
that they are REALLY unneeded pins before you terminate them 'floating',
and make sure that there are realistic terminations on all other pins.

Edmondson Engineering
Unique Solutions to Unusual Problems
I use the UniqueNet for float property by the help.

would you please give a correct simulating shematic of using AD630 in
the form that was introduced by the datesheet of it ,for lock-in
amplifier propurse.

On Fri, 21 May 2004 07:17:59 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

Highlight part. Edit part. Change pin properties to "Float=Connect
High Value R".

"Time step too small" can result from attempting TOO LONG a
simulation. Can you post the .CIR file?

On Fri, 21 May 2004 18:55:38 +0800, Archer <

I was using AD630 in a Lock-in Amplifier Design and Simulation. But it
seems so difficult to simulate the circuit,the pin
2(CHA+),18(CHB+),7(STAT),12(COMP) needs not to be connected.If I leave
them alone,the pspice will report that
"ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHA+'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'CHB-'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'COMP'
ERROR [NET0075] Unconnected pin, no FLOAT property or FLOAT = e U1
pin 'STAT'

what can i do?

i tried to connect the Pin2 and Pin 18 directly,and Pin 7 to GND with
resistor,and Pin12 directly to Pin13.

it is reported that:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time =
Time step = 9.592E-15, minimum allowable step size =

These voltages failed to converge:

V(X_U1.22) = -447.86uV \ -445.57uV

These supply currents failed to converge:

I(X_U1.ECMA) = 298.52uA \ 296.21uA
I(X_U1.ECMB) = -29.57uA \ -31.88uA
I( = 1.979uA \ 1.661uA

What would I do to solve this terrible problem?

...Jim Thompson

Welcome to

