Help with a dell 21" trinitron monitor!



I have a problem with a dell trinitron monitor that i just bought
yesterday (used, but in very good conditions). After beeing in front
on the monitor several hours i found two very thin horizontal lines
that just can be seeing whith a white background like wordpad, they
look like a thin shadow, i first thought the monitor was dirty, but
then i realized it´s the screen. Is this going to get worse?? can i
fix it?? thanks for your time...
On 27 Apr 2004 09:11:15 -0700, (doy) wrote:

I have a problem with a dell trinitron monitor that i just bought
yesterday (used, but in very good conditions). After beeing in front
on the monitor several hours i found two very thin horizontal lines
that just can be seeing whith a white background like wordpad, they
look like a thin shadow, i first thought the monitor was dirty, but
then i realized it´s the screen. Is this going to get worse?? can i
fix it?? thanks for your time...

These lines are completely normal for monitors using a Trinitron CRT.
They all have them; it's a part of the design.
Andy Cuffe
These are the aperture grill support wires. This is normal on all of these
Trinitron tubes. On a 19 inch monitor, there is normally 2 of these wires.
They are 1/3 of the way down from the top, and 1/3 up from the bottom of the
screen. They will not change.

Many of the dealers who sell monitors that use this type of CRT, ask the
customers to sign a paper that they are aware of these lines, and that they
realize that they are normal.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"doy" <> wrote in message
I have a problem with a dell trinitron monitor that i just bought
yesterday (used, but in very good conditions). After beeing in front
on the monitor several hours i found two very thin horizontal lines
that just can be seeing whith a white background like wordpad, they
look like a thin shadow, i first thought the monitor was dirty, but
then i realized it´s the screen. Is this going to get worse?? can i
fix it?? thanks for your time...
"Jerry G." <> wrote in message
These are the aperture grill support wires. This is normal on all of these
Trinitron tubes. On a 19 inch monitor, there is normally 2 of these wires.
They are 1/3 of the way down from the top, and 1/3 up from the bottom of
screen. They will not change.

Many of the dealers who sell monitors that use this type of CRT, ask the
customers to sign a paper that they are aware of these lines, and that
realize that they are normal.

I have a Diamondtron (after-patent duplication) 22" display, pretty much the
same as a Trinitron. I've used Trinitron and LCD displays almost exclusively
during my use of computers. Shadow-mask displays don't have the two faint
lines...but I consider the two lines a small price to pay for square, crisp
pixels. No wonder the shadow-mask monitors are so cheap: to me it felt like
I was looking at a television screen up close. I'd never waste my money on a
shadow-mask monitor.

I never notice the two lines until someone on the internet mentions them,
like today....

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