help! what's wrong?



when I put the library into abstract generator,the layout view in the
library cannot be accepted.The error message is:
ABS-304:layout view cannot open ,reason:not a known DB file!
The library is generatered by Virtuoso,the layout view file seens
natural.and I use Abstract generater's technology file to define the
library path.I also try to use the GDS file of layout view to
import.but the error is same.
IS something wrong with my steps? How to do firstly at the Abstract
generater for import the library.
Firstly, Abstract Generator only accepts GDS file. It could not read
Opus database (DB).
Secondly, you need to define layer name/number of GDS file inside
tech.dpux file. This is the way Abstract Generator understands what
is inside GDS file.
Thirdly, library path should be defined (inside tech.dpux) to an empty
directory. Abstract Generator will generate hld binary file in that
directory to represent what it reads from GDS file.

ronald (Echo) wrote in message news:<>...
when I put the library into abstract generator,the layout view in the
library cannot be accepted.The error message is:
ABS-304:layout view cannot open ,reason:not a known DB file!
The library is generatered by Virtuoso,the layout view file seens
natural.and I use Abstract generater's technology file to define the
library path.I also try to use the GDS file of layout view to
import.but the error is same.
IS something wrong with my steps? How to do firstly at the Abstract
generater for import the library.
Thank you! (Ronald) wrote in message news:<>...
Firstly, Abstract Generator only accepts GDS file. It could not read
Opus database (DB).
Secondly, you need to define layer name/number of GDS file inside
tech.dpux file. This is the way Abstract Generator understands what
is inside GDS file.
Thirdly, library path should be defined (inside tech.dpux) to an empty
directory. Abstract Generator will generate hld binary file in that
directory to represent what it reads from GDS file.

ronald (Echo) wrote in message news:<>...
when I put the library into abstract generator,the layout view in the
library cannot be accepted.The error message is:
ABS-304:layout view cannot open ,reason:not a known DB file!
The library is generatered by Virtuoso,the layout view file seens
natural.and I use Abstract generater's technology file to define the
library path.I also try to use the GDS file of layout view to
import.but the error is same.
IS something wrong with my steps? How to do firstly at the Abstract
generater for import the library. (Ronald) wrote in message news:<>...
Firstly, Abstract Generator only accepts GDS file.
It could not read Opus database (DB).
Not true.

The latest Cadence Abstract Generator program handles all Cadence
database formats.

I haven't tested it myself, but some of the guys on my flow team
run it on both OpenAccess databases & CDBA databases all the time.

Call Customer Support to ensure you are using the LATEST VERSION of
the abstract generator which is found in multiple streams, e.g., I
just did a "which abstract" in a few hierarchies and found the
Cadence Abstract Generator executable in both custom & digital tools:
/cds/IC5033ISR_sun4v/tools/dfII/bin/abstract DFII on CDBA
/cds/ICOA5033ISR_sun4v/tools/dfII/bin/abstract DFII on OpenAccess
/cds/DSMSE54ISR_sun4v/tools/bin/abstract DSM on tech.dpux

I also checked the documentation for IC50 on CDBA, namely the CDSDoc
"Cadence Abstract Generator User Guide" which clearly states the
CDBA techfile.cds has replaced the Pillar tech.dpux from HLD days
in the DFII version of the Cadence Abstract Generator.

You can launch the Cadence Abstract Generator (previously known
as "Picasso") from the Virtuoso Layout Editor menus as described in
manual, e.g.:
a. Launch a DFII application such as icfb or icca.
b. Select File -> Open and choose a View to open,
for example the layout view.
c. In the Virtuoso Layout Editor select Tools -> Virtuoso Preview.
The menu bar will change to that of Virtuoso Preview.
d. Select Tools -> Abstract Editor -> Create Abstract,
This will display the Create Advanced Abstract form.
The abstract generator can be launched from here.

Note: You can also launch the abstract generator from Virtuoso
Preview using the Create -> Create Abstract for Subblock
Create Abstract menu command. Or use the OS command line
options to run the Cadence Abstract Generator in a nongui

The documentation goes on to stipulate the abstract generator comes
* Virtuoso XL 3000 license string (version 5.0)
* Virtuoso Chip Editor 4000 license string (version 5.0)
* Preview 14020 license string (version 5.0)

I also found documentation for the abstract editor working directly
of DFII and SOC Encounter OpenAccess databases; but, apparently there
are some limitations which are being worked as we speak:

For example, see the DFII 5.0 OpenAccess KP&S on Sourcelink:
which states "... the abstract generator will work on OpenAccess ..."

ALL my USENET posts are PERSONAL opinion; no mail is read from this
spam trap.
Maybe it's just me but with a stupid subject line such as:
help! what's wrong?
you'll be lucky if anyone finds it within their heart to
actually help you when you can't even have the courtesy to
put the actual subject into the subject line like everyone
else does.

Go to and look up the word "Subject"
before you post again please. See definition number 4
which says # A basis for action; a cause.

Maybe someone will go to the extra trouble to read your
silly post (once they click inside, your post is reasonable)
and then go to the trouble to help you but you sure are lazy
and don't deserve that much help if you won't even bother
to put the cause for THEIR action into your subject line.

May I suggest a subject line of something like:
Abstract generater import of Virtuoso layout
would be more helpful and more likely to get users attention.

Oh, and by the way, MY abstract executable reads Virtuoso layout.

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