Hello! I have a problem to solve with Modelsim XE II and I'd be very
happy if you helped me. When I compile a vhdl file for a latch-D, I
get a success message; but whet I launch it for a simulation, I always
get the following message:
"Warning: (vsim-3473) Component 'not0' is not bound."
This is the file latch_D.vhd:
entity latch_D is
port(D,Ck:in bit;
Q,Qbarut bit);
end latch_D;
architecture latch_D_arc of latch_D is
component latch_SR
port(S,R,Ck: in bit;
Q,Qbar: out bit);
end component;
component NOT_IMP
port(A: in bit;
Abarut bit);
end component;
signal Dbar : bit;
not0: NOT_IMP
port map (D,Dbar);
latch_SR0: latch_SR
port map (D,Dbar,Ck,Q,Qbar);
end latch_D_arc;
Both not_imp.vhd and latch_SR.vhd give success in compiling and work
great in simulation, but the latch_D doesn't work. Can you help me?
happy if you helped me. When I compile a vhdl file for a latch-D, I
get a success message; but whet I launch it for a simulation, I always
get the following message:
"Warning: (vsim-3473) Component 'not0' is not bound."
This is the file latch_D.vhd:
entity latch_D is
port(D,Ck:in bit;
Q,Qbarut bit);
end latch_D;
architecture latch_D_arc of latch_D is
component latch_SR
port(S,R,Ck: in bit;
Q,Qbar: out bit);
end component;
component NOT_IMP
port(A: in bit;
Abarut bit);
end component;
signal Dbar : bit;
not0: NOT_IMP
port map (D,Dbar);
latch_SR0: latch_SR
port map (D,Dbar,Ck,Q,Qbar);
end latch_D_arc;
Both not_imp.vhd and latch_SR.vhd give success in compiling and work
great in simulation, but the latch_D doesn't work. Can you help me?