I have a problem
I recently put together a simple circuit
involving a 555 timer and a 4017 decade counter
the 555 timer is set to 2 seconds
ive connected 10 LED's to the 4017 counter
and it works sort of ...
well the lights go on like there meant to
(led 1 turns on, then off then led 2 turns on (led1 switches off) then led3
on ( led 2 off) and so on..)
so there is always only 1 LED turned on .
my problem comes when it gets to the end of the row and has to repeat.. no
LED's turn on
well there is a delay between ..( led 10 turning on and led 1 turning on
which means that there isn't any led's turned on)
is it possible to get rid of this gap so there is always one led turned on.
am I making sense ?
any ideas?
Anthony jabbour
I recently put together a simple circuit
involving a 555 timer and a 4017 decade counter
the 555 timer is set to 2 seconds
ive connected 10 LED's to the 4017 counter
and it works sort of ...
well the lights go on like there meant to
(led 1 turns on, then off then led 2 turns on (led1 switches off) then led3
on ( led 2 off) and so on..)
so there is always only 1 LED turned on .
my problem comes when it gets to the end of the row and has to repeat.. no
LED's turn on
well there is a delay between ..( led 10 turning on and led 1 turning on
which means that there isn't any led's turned on)
is it possible to get rid of this gap so there is always one led turned on.
am I making sense ?
any ideas?
Anthony jabbour