Help Toshiba TMP90C840AF


petrus bitbyter

I'm looking for information about the Toshiba TMP90C840AF.

For all I know it's a Z80 like 8 bit mpu that Toshiba sells (sold) and also
used in some of their own products.

I Googled a lot but I could not find anything but parts sellers. No info,
not even a pinout descryption.

As I have to do some work with it I like anything you can tell.


note: replace p. by piet to obtain the correct e-mail address

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In article <w12wb.255137$>,
petrus bitbyter <> wrote:
I'm looking for information about the Toshiba TMP90C840AF.

For all I know it's a Z80 like 8 bit mpu that Toshiba sells (sold) and also
used in some of their own products.

I Googled a lot but I could not find anything but parts sellers. No info,
not even a pinout descryption.
It's in their 1990 8-Bit Microcontroller databook. But it's 161 pages
on just that part!

Yow. Two stepper motor control ports, serial port, 3 timers and 5
other I/O ports (which can be used as an external bus). 256 bytes RAM,
8k bytes ROM.

Mark Zenier Washington State resident

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