hi friends
i have written a program to search a no. in an arrray & get the result
in form of apulse going high or low,but
given no is compared with only the last value & desired output is not
my basic problem is to input an array directly to input port.also if
somebody can give some example program or tips about reading & writing
files in vhdl. i m using modelsim.
i have written the code & test bench for the code for refrene.
ashwani anand
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
package my is
type arec is array (0 to 49 ) of integer range 0 to 50 ;
type inst is record
ary : arec ;
end record ;
end my ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use work.my .all ;
entity rec is
port( a : in inst ;
b : in integer range 0 to 55 ;
o : out std_logic );
end rec ;
architecture a of rec is
process (a,b)
-- variable q : integer range 0 to 55 ;
-- variable p : integer range 0 to 50 ;
for i in 0 to 49 loop
-- p := b ;
--q := a.ary(i) ;
if (b = a.ary(i)) then
o <= '1' ;
o <= '0' ;
end if ;
end loop ;
end process ;
end a ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
package my is
type arec is array (0 to 49 ) of integer range 0 to 50 ;
type inst is record
ary : arec ;
end record ;
end my ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use work.my .all ;
entity tb_rec is
end ;
architecture a of tb_rec is
component rec
port ( a : in inst ;
b : in integer range 0 to 50 ;
o : out std_logic );
end component ;
signal o : std_logic ;
signal a : inst ;
signal b : integer range 0 to 55 ;
U1 : rec port map (a =>a,b =>b , o =>o );
variable t : integer range 0 to 55;
variable q : integer range 0 to 55;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 50 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
t := 1 ;
for i in 0 to 49 loop
a.ary(i) <= t ;
t := t + 1 ;
if (t = 51 ) then
t := 0 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 52 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 23 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
end if ;
end loop ;
end process ;
end a;
result of this program is a pulse high for 23 & 50 low for 52 but it is
remaning high for 50 only which is last value stored in array.
i have written a program to search a no. in an arrray & get the result
in form of apulse going high or low,but
given no is compared with only the last value & desired output is not
my basic problem is to input an array directly to input port.also if
somebody can give some example program or tips about reading & writing
files in vhdl. i m using modelsim.
i have written the code & test bench for the code for refrene.
ashwani anand
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
package my is
type arec is array (0 to 49 ) of integer range 0 to 50 ;
type inst is record
ary : arec ;
end record ;
end my ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use work.my .all ;
entity rec is
port( a : in inst ;
b : in integer range 0 to 55 ;
o : out std_logic );
end rec ;
architecture a of rec is
process (a,b)
-- variable q : integer range 0 to 55 ;
-- variable p : integer range 0 to 50 ;
for i in 0 to 49 loop
-- p := b ;
--q := a.ary(i) ;
if (b = a.ary(i)) then
o <= '1' ;
o <= '0' ;
end if ;
end loop ;
end process ;
end a ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
package my is
type arec is array (0 to 49 ) of integer range 0 to 50 ;
type inst is record
ary : arec ;
end record ;
end my ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use work.my .all ;
entity tb_rec is
end ;
architecture a of tb_rec is
component rec
port ( a : in inst ;
b : in integer range 0 to 50 ;
o : out std_logic );
end component ;
signal o : std_logic ;
signal a : inst ;
signal b : integer range 0 to 55 ;
U1 : rec port map (a =>a,b =>b , o =>o );
variable t : integer range 0 to 55;
variable q : integer range 0 to 55;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 50 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
t := 1 ;
for i in 0 to 49 loop
a.ary(i) <= t ;
t := t + 1 ;
if (t = 51 ) then
t := 0 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 52 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 23 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
end if ;
end loop ;
end process ;
end a;
result of this program is a pulse high for 23 & 50 low for 52 but it is
remaning high for 50 only which is last value stored in array.