Help: Supercapacitor


Shridhar Patil

dear sir,

we have to use a power capacitor as we don't have external power
supply to our board. In our board we are using a low power CPLD, FLASH,
OPTO-COUPLERS, Accelerometer etc. But we are not able to select the
Main POWER CAPS which will able to supply the power to this board.

the specifications for the power caps are
1. maximum charging time = 10 sec.
2. minimum discharging time = 25 sec.
3. Military temperature range
4. size = should be less than 20mm widht and 50mm height (wait 5 g)
4. other adjustable requirement : 3 to 5 v voltage, 1 to 2.5 A current,
suitable 0 to 20 F capacitance.

or for this application i welcome any other alternative or suggestion from you.

thanking you,
shridhar patil.
"Supercapacitors" usually have very high impedance ie 120 ohms). So
cannot give more than a few mA. They may not be suitable.

(I design low power circuits. But there may be other types of supercaps
I do not know about.)

Have you considered a rechargeable battery on board?
Paul Honigmann

ESR is very low. Mouser and Digikey has them.

"Nemo" <> wrote in message
"Supercapacitors" usually have very high impedance ie 120 ohms). So
cannot give more than a few mA. They may not be suitable.

(I design low power circuits. But there may be other types of supercaps
I do not know about.)

Have you considered a rechargeable battery on board?
Paul Honigmann

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