HELP REQUEST: How to find or build a high frequency sound g


Flash Gordon

I don't know much about electronics.

If I had the right components I could probably get them hooked up

So here's what I could use advice and know-how on.

I would like to build a simple system from which I could generate high
frequency sound and play it through a speaker.

I want to produce frequencies above 20kHz, in the range where animals
can hear it but humans cannot.

Can anyone tell me the components to hook together to do this? By
components, I don't mean things like resistors, transistors, etc. I
mean big preassembled things that I can buy through an electronic
supply house. Fishing around on the internet I saw something refered
to as a voltage to frequency generator, which sure sounds like the
kind of thing I'm looking for, but it offered a schematic, and with my
level of knowledge I was already in over my head.

Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of sound generator where I can
'dial a frequency,' and then play it through an amp and a speaker.

Can anyone offer any advice about how to do this and where to get the

Thanks in advance for any help.
Flash Gordon wrote:
I don't know much about electronics.

Almost less than zero, actually.

I want to produce frequencies above 20kHz,
in the range where animals can hear it but humans cannot.
[...]where I can 'dial a frequency,'[...]

Go to ebay. Look for each of these terms:
Signal generator
Stereo Amplifier (It doesn't *need* to be stereo, just audio)
Supertweeter OR Super-tweeter
On Sep 10, 6:39 pm, JeffM <> wrote:

Go to ebay.  Look for each of these terms:
Signal generator
Stereo Amplifier (It doesn't *need* to be stereo, just audio)
Supertweeter OR Super-tweeter

On Sep 9, 1:37 pm, Flash Gordon <> wrote:
I don't know much about electronics.

If I had the right components I could probably get them hooked up

So here's what I could use advice and know-how on.

I would like to build a simple system from which I could generate high
frequency sound and play it through a speaker.

I want to produce frequencies above 20kHz, in the range where animals
can hear it but humans cannot.

Can anyone tell me the components to hook together to do this?  By
components, I don't mean things like resistors, transistors, etc.  I
mean big preassembled things that I can buy through an electronic
supply house.  Fishing around on the internet I saw something refered
to as a voltage to frequency generator, which sure sounds like the
kind of thing I'm looking for, but it offered a schematic, and with my
level of knowledge I was already in over my head.

Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of sound generator where I can
'dial a frequency,' and then play it through an amp and a speaker.

Can anyone offer any advice about how to do this and where to get the

Thanks in advance for any help.
Hey Flash; From what I gather after reading your inquiry I would say
that you have a A--H--- dog owner neighbor that refuses to keep his D--
m dog from barking and disturbing your peace and comfort! I fall into
your same catagory and I am driving myself nuts trying to find a
whistle, (which I bought that didn't work) to a CD Anti Barking Device
which didn't work either. I don't blame the dog but the stupid dog
owner is to blame. If you should be successful in making the device
that WORKS get it patented FAST as they will sel like HOT CAKES and I
will be at the head of the line to buy one! Good Luck; noprofit

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