power on,
No raster for 5 minutes , timer LED front panel beats 1 time per second.
( is this blink an error code = 1 ?)
I know this set has error codes. (dont have list)
the sound is on and OK during the 5 min. no raster.
the CRT filiaments are on during NO raster ( confirming Flyback,power ok)
My Guess is:
For some reason the Video is being blanked by the CPU in the set (fault)
there is a pin 7 blank pin on the video card on my schematic.
I have not done any internal diagnose yet.
(scope or meter)
When set is working , it looks fair to good, good contrast and hue, but a tad
blurry. (adjusted the focus pot and a little better)
Has anyone seen anything like this?
thanks for any help from anyone. ( code Sonyblues)
thanks , tech posdmr
power on,
No raster for 5 minutes , timer LED front panel beats 1 time per second.
( is this blink an error code = 1 ?)
I know this set has error codes. (dont have list)
the sound is on and OK during the 5 min. no raster.
the CRT filiaments are on during NO raster ( confirming Flyback,power ok)
My Guess is:
For some reason the Video is being blanked by the CPU in the set (fault)
there is a pin 7 blank pin on the video card on my schematic.
I have not done any internal diagnose yet.
(scope or meter)
When set is working , it looks fair to good, good contrast and hue, but a tad
blurry. (adjusted the focus pot and a little better)
Has anyone seen anything like this?
thanks for any help from anyone. ( code Sonyblues)
thanks , tech posdmr