I have a +30dBm, 915Mhz transmitter. My power amp stage consists of an
RFMD IC (RF2173). The 2nd harmonic is at -17dBm which is consistent
with the power amp's specs (-38dbc, 2nd harmonic). I have tried
reducing this by putting 2 chip LPFs (900MHz cut-off, 3W rating) but
the 2nd harmonic is roughly at the same level. I tested the LPF up to
+14dBm (the max power I can get from our signal generator) and the
attenuation at 1830MHz is around 40dBm.
I am new to RF microwave design. I have no idea why the LPFs are not
working. Does anybody have an explanation/solution to my problem?
RFMD IC (RF2173). The 2nd harmonic is at -17dBm which is consistent
with the power amp's specs (-38dbc, 2nd harmonic). I have tried
reducing this by putting 2 chip LPFs (900MHz cut-off, 3W rating) but
the 2nd harmonic is roughly at the same level. I tested the LPF up to
+14dBm (the max power I can get from our signal generator) and the
attenuation at 1830MHz is around 40dBm.
I am new to RF microwave design. I have no idea why the LPFs are not
working. Does anybody have an explanation/solution to my problem?