Hi group.
I would like to get my hands on something that I saw in one of BigClive's
youtube videos. You can see it here https://youtu.be/nTQRRER1MOY?t=1186
He's fitting the PCB into it to hold (small) through-hole components while
he solders them. I've searched AliExpress but didn't find any hits - maybe
I'm using the wrong search string or perhaps they don't sell them.
Help appreciated. I'm in New Zealand.
"Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy
little classification in the DSM*."
David Melville (in r.a.s.f1)
(*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
I would like to get my hands on something that I saw in one of BigClive's
youtube videos. You can see it here https://youtu.be/nTQRRER1MOY?t=1186
He's fitting the PCB into it to hold (small) through-hole components while
he solders them. I've searched AliExpress but didn't find any hits - maybe
I'm using the wrong search string or perhaps they don't sell them.
Help appreciated. I'm in New Zealand.
"Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy
little classification in the DSM*."
David Melville (in r.a.s.f1)
(*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)