Hello, Plz help me by answering these questions-
1) How does net browsing and searching a site takes place in internet ?
2) Advantage of Transistor over FET ?
3) Quantisation effect on BW of a signal ?
4) Why we use laplace transform, F Transform and DFT ?
5) Where each of these bands are used in Satellite comm.- uhf, C, X, Ku, ka
6) Skin effect ?
7) what is the loss range in Coaxial cables ?
8) How to convert a transistor to diode ?
9) How to run a PC with a DC source ?
10) Physical realization of Phase modulation ?
1) How does net browsing and searching a site takes place in internet ?
2) Advantage of Transistor over FET ?
3) Quantisation effect on BW of a signal ?
4) Why we use laplace transform, F Transform and DFT ?
5) Where each of these bands are used in Satellite comm.- uhf, C, X, Ku, ka
6) Skin effect ?
7) what is the loss range in Coaxial cables ?
8) How to convert a transistor to diode ?
9) How to run a PC with a DC source ?
10) Physical realization of Phase modulation ?