Help me to answer some basic Electronics questions



Hello, Plz help me by answering these questions-

1) How does net browsing and searching a site takes place in internet ?
2) Advantage of Transistor over FET ?
3) Quantisation effect on BW of a signal ?
4) Why we use laplace transform, F Transform and DFT ?
5) Where each of these bands are used in Satellite comm.- uhf, C, X, Ku, ka
6) Skin effect ?
7) what is the loss range in Coaxial cables ?
8) How to convert a transistor to diode ?
9) How to run a PC with a DC source ?
10) Physical realization of Phase modulation ?

On 12 Nov 2004 22:43:53 -0800, Diba wrote:

Hello, Plz help me by answering these questions-

1) How does net browsing and searching a site takes place in internet ?
not an electronics related question. search on http, sql, cgi

2) Advantage of Transistor over FET ?
for what?

3) Quantisation effect on BW of a signal ?
Sometimes the BW is 2X the quantization freq plus the harmonics of
the modulating signal - depends on modulation type - try the ARRL
Handbook at da liberry.

4) Why we use laplace transform, F Transform and DFT ?
a) transforms a differential eq to an algebraic one.
b) by transforming a complex periodic wave to Fourier series, we can
then analyze the effect of a system on the individual sinusoidal
components of said wave.
c) DFT/FFT is how we convert a sampled signal in the time domain to
the frequency domain.

5) Where each of these bands are used in Satellite comm.- uhf, C, X, Ku, ka
try google on ITU region II frequency allocation/spectrun -- or
electronic databook, by TAB. Ku is roughly 10 GHz, C is 3.5 GHz (?),
UHF is 300 - 3000 MHz

6) Skin effect ?
google again - higher freq currents flow on the outside of a

7) what is the loss range in Coaxial cables ?
up to 9 dB per 100 ft or greater at 1000 GHz

8) How to convert a transistor to diode ?
transisters can't be converted back to dudes. once you cut it off,
that's it.

connect the collector to the base. use the b-e junction of an npn,
for example.

9) How to run a PC with a DC source ?
Inverter. Try Walmart. Not all inverters are suitable for this.

10) Physical realization of Phase modulation ?
You get dizzy and fall down. No... you vary a reactance to vary the
freq or phase. google varactor and IIRC saturable core reactor.
Best Regards,

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