Help me not to let it explode.




I have recently bought two tantal capacitors. The problem is, I have no idea which pin is "+" and which is "-". The "+" sign is in the middle! Now, I asked the guys working in the shop, and they were just as puzzled as I am, and couldn't say for sure which lead is positive.

Check out the picture and tell me what you think. I marked the two leads with A and B, and tell me what you think should be the positive.

The reason I would like to know is, tantal capacitors have a tendency to fail, sometimes with an explosion, if polarized incorrectly for a sustained period of time. Obviously, I don't want this to happen.

thanks in advance

Hi Mario,

mario wrote:


I have recently bought two tantal capacitors. The problem is, I have no
idea which pin is "+" and which is "-". The "+" sign is in the middle!
Now, I asked the guys working in the shop, and they were just as puzzled
as I am, and couldn't say for sure which lead is positive.
First: Please, don't post attachments here, this is not a binary NG.

Second: AFAIK, on tantals of this type, if you face the markings
(sometimes there is even no + sign, just the value), the _left_ pin is -
and the _right_ pin is +


From-address is Spam trap
Use: wolfgang (dot) mahringer (at) sbg (dot) at
"mario" <> wrote:
Check out the picture and tell me what you think. I marked the two leads with A and B, and tell me what you think should be the positive.
Nice (if incomplete) picture, but a POINTER TO a scan would be better.
Typically the longest lead is positive.

William Smith
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc.
"Wolfgang Mahringer" <> wrote in message
Hi Mario,

mario wrote:


I have recently bought two tantal capacitors. The problem is, I have no
idea which pin is "+" and which is "-". The "+" sign is in the middle!
Now, I asked the guys working in the shop, and they were just as puzzled
as I am, and couldn't say for sure which lead is positive.

First: Please, don't post attachments here, this is not a binary NG.
It's not? Funny, 'cause it worked just fine ;o)))))

Second: AFAIK, on tantals of this type, if you face the markings
(sometimes there is even no + sign, just the value), the _left_ pin is -
and the _right_ pin is +
Thanks you Wolfgang. Besides, today I just heard a good tip on how to
determine the polarity.

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