help in design




I have a design which has 2 channels.On one channel I receive data
from a memory & from a video interface
on the other channel. The data for channel 1 comes through a DMA ( 32
bits @ 50 Mhz).For channel 2, data
comes at 16 bits @ 20 Mhz from an external source with external
control signals. Both channel's data are loaded
in different FIFO's . The data will be used for some image processing
functions further.

Now how do I synchronise the data from both the channels?

On 8 May 2007 06:41:57 -0700, vlsifresher <> wrote:


I have a design which has 2 channels.On one channel I receive data
from a memory & from a video interface
on the other channel. The data for channel 1 comes through a DMA ( 32
bits @ 50 Mhz).For channel 2, data
comes at 16 bits @ 20 Mhz from an external source with external
control signals. Both channel's data are loaded
in different FIFO's . The data will be used for some image processing
functions further.

Now how do I synchronise the data from both the channels?

Urrrm, suck 'em out of the other end of your FIFOs in lockstep?

Do you get one word of memory data per pixel of video, or what?
How do you tell which word of memory data belongs with which
pixel of video? How are video syncs encoded? So many questions,
so few answers :)
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
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