help ID & cross SMT


no need 4 a name

looking for specs, cross reference, source for replacement, whatever
info I can get.
Labeled "TN5DJ"
the part is a smt transistor, or similar 3 legged critter. possibly a
darlington, package type is either sot89, or sot223 (tiny, with
This is found in a solid state DAA modem/line circuit of an internet
device, using the infineon DM207, and DL207 chips, (both chips together
are AKA—"DAA2000")
The TN5DJ appears to be the main hookswitch
There is plenty of room to install a standard to92, or even a to220, if
only I can get the specs, and - or a suitable cross in standard size.
I have googled for everything under the sun relating, and the info is
out there. However, since I am on this stupid webtv, I cannot view pdf
files. using the view as html links at google yields folded over,
illegible, garbled pages, pix & graphics etc do not show at all
Can anyone out there please help me?
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:50:18 -0500, (no need 4 a
name) put finger to keyboard and composed:

looking for specs, cross reference, source for replacement, whatever
info I can get.
Labeled "TN5DJ"
the part is a smt transistor, or similar 3 legged critter. possibly a
darlington, package type is either sot89, or sot223 (tiny, with
This is found in a solid state DAA modem/line circuit of an internet
device, using the infineon DM207, and DL207 chips, (both chips together
are AKA—"DAA2000")
The TN5DJ appears to be the main hookswitch
There is plenty of room to install a standard to92, or even a to220, if
only I can get the specs, and - or a suitable cross in standard size.
I have googled for everything under the sun relating, and the info is
out there. However, since I am on this stupid webtv, I cannot view pdf
files. using the view as html links at google yields folded over,
illegible, garbled pages, pix & graphics etc do not show at all
Can anyone out there please help me?
Do the application circuits in these datasheets help you?

They show a PNP SOT23 transistor, p/n MMBT6520:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 09:03:19 +1000, Franc Zabkar
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:50:18 -0500, (no need 4 a
name) put finger to keyboard and composed:

looking for specs, cross reference, source for replacement, whatever
info I can get.
Labeled "TN5DJ"
the part is a smt transistor, or similar 3 legged critter. possibly a
darlington, package type is either sot89, or sot223 (tiny, with
This is found in a solid state DAA modem/line circuit of an internet
device, using the infineon DM207, and DL207 chips, (both chips together
are AKA—"DAA2000")
The TN5DJ appears to be the main hookswitch
There is plenty of room to install a standard to92, or even a to220, if
only I can get the specs, and - or a suitable cross in standard size.
I have googled for everything under the sun relating, and the info is
out there. However, since I am on this stupid webtv, I cannot view pdf
files. using the view as html links at google yields folded over,
illegible, garbled pages, pix & graphics etc do not show at all
Can anyone out there please help me?

Do the application circuits in these datasheets help you?

They show a PNP SOT23 transistor, p/n MMBT6520:
Oops, I just realised you can't read .pdfs.

The specs of the MMBT6520LT1 are:
PNP, 350V, 500mA, 225mW, hfe = 30-200, Ft(min) = 40MHz

The device marking is "2Z", so it's not the same transistor that you
have, but perhaps it's an equivalent.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
Thanks, your help is appreciated
I had managed to find those sites, but they looked, on this webtv, like
something piccasso painted while reeally hungover or something
I had found that # as well, but the case style listed for it seems
wrong. (listed case Vs ratings-wise)
below I have links to sites, which I can view properly, of smt
The offending part is definately bad, definately a sot223, or sot89
package. It resembles a tiny to220 package, and it is smaller than the
smd version of the typical 5v reg 7805 (78m05?) it has a tiny heatsink.
Now, the specs seem right, a very high VcbO,
and pnp polarity, somewhat similar specs to 2sa1400, which served a
similar function in a certain brand fax machines, dropped like flies,
and caused the same sorts of symptoms as with this appliance.
I did find an exact match for the TN5DJ at, in
sweden, but again could not view the specs. It showed it is a suumida
part, possibly also a seimens part.
Is there any sort of reliable reference manual, website,disc or
whatever to ID and cross smd semis?
If any one else ot there has any ideas, I sure could use some help.
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 21:19:20 -0500, (no need 4 a
name) put finger to keyboard and composed:

I did find an exact match for the TN5DJ at, in
sweden, but again could not view the specs. It showed it is a suumida
part, possibly also a seimens part.
The manufacturer is identified as "S/M", but I have no idea who this
could be. Other sites ID the manf as "SM".

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
The manufacturer is identified as "S/M", but I
have no idea who this could be. Other sites
ID the manf as "SM".
"SM".... suddenly, my mind drifts back to leather-clad, wayward,
dysfunctional, lonely female teenage, wayward, trailercourt residents,
whom, visited early, and oftern

Oh wait, this thread is about transistors, right?
Gotcha, thus far, suitible replacements have been installed. The gods
of smoke, flame, and AFU have thus far remained silent, and invisible.

"I' ve been pushing buttons all day long, and
Boy! are my fingers sore"

George Jetson
last post composed and edited by the dept of redundantcy department
the term "nymphomaniac" was purposely ommitted to ensure the anonimity
of those involved

film at eleven

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