Help: EWB 5.0C troubles


G. Cook

I bought Electronics Workbench 5.0C when it came out in 1996 on floppy
disc. I have used it successfully for many years since I got it, but
yesterday it wouldn't run. I got a screen that said it couldn't find
some files and to reload it from the original discs. I tried to do
that but the install said it couldn't write back to the discs, and
when I cancelled the installation, I found that all the files in the
original directory had been deleted, including all my circuit files.
An email to the vendor goes unanswered.
I suspect that what happened is that I ran the program from another
computer on my home network, and that screwed it up. That is the only
possibility I can think of besides a virus, but everything else is
fine and the virus checker can't find anything.
So, I would ask if anyone might know why this happened, and if there
is a fix so I can at least reinstall the program. I used it almost
daily for my business. As far as I can tell the floppy is not damaged
and is definitely not write-protected.
Any help would be appreciated.
Gordon Cook
No B.O. número <>, de 17 Mar 2004
13:25:51 -0800, consta que G. Cook escreveu no sci.electronics.cad :

So, I would ask if anyone might know why this happened, and if there
is a fix so I can at least reinstall the program. I used it almost
daily for my business. As far as I can tell the floppy is not damaged
and is definitely not write-protected.
I remember that some version of EWB used a "dongle" device. Maybe it is looking
for this and got "confused"?

Get a better program than EWB, such as LTSpice (freebie), SuperSpice (cheap) or
SIMetrix (somewhat expensive). Or at least upgrade to MultiSIM.

Chaos MasterŽ - Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil - #xlinuxnews and #poa (ainda năo pronto)
LRU #327480
G. Cook wrote:

I bought Electronics Workbench 5.0C when it came out in 1996 on floppy
disc. I have used it successfully for many years since I got it, but
yesterday it wouldn't run. I got a screen that said it couldn't find
some files and to reload it from the original discs. I tried to do
that but the install said it couldn't write back to the discs, and
when I cancelled the installation, I found that all the files in the
original directory had been deleted, including all my circuit files.
An email to the vendor goes unanswered.
I suspect that what happened is that I ran the program from another
computer on my home network, and that screwed it up. That is the only
possibility I can think of besides a virus, but everything else is
fine and the virus checker can't find anything.
So, I would ask if anyone might know why this happened, and if there
is a fix so I can at least reinstall the program. I used it almost
daily for my business. As far as I can tell the floppy is not damaged
and is definitely not write-protected.
Any help would be appreciated.
Gordon Cook
I have had this happen at least three times. I have had to reinstall it.
The trick to reinstalling it is to make a DOS DISKCOPY of disk 1 of
the five disk set before installing it the first time.

The installation process insists that Disk 1 not be write-locked,
so it probably writes an installation count to the disk, which eventually
times it out...

Each time you reinstall it, make another copy of Disk 1, and let it be a
"sacrificial copy".

Better yet, throw EWB in the trash. Down load and use LTSpice instead. That's
what I did.


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