Eric R Snow
I'm getting desperate. I'm on an island. The car is a '92 Dodge Colt.
The import car fixer says my car isn't "foriegn" enough. The other guy
says it's too "foriegn". Here's what it is doing. Not running. It has
spark, compression, fuel pressure, and the timing is correct. The
manual says that if the car runs while starting and then dies when the
key springs back to the ON position then the fuel pump relay is bad.
But there is no relay where the book says to look and none anywhere I
can see. The dealership doesn't list one. He said to bring in the old
one and they would match it up. The car ran fine to work in the
morning and wouldn't start in the evening. The computer said it was a
bad mass air flow sensor. A new one is 400 bucks so my son went to the
wreckers and picked up a couple for twenty bucks. We put one on and
the car started but ran poorly. I was able to drive it about 1/4 mile
before it died. And while driving it would act like it was leaned out
real bad when I floored it. That was yesterday. Today it won't even
try to start. No matter which mass air flow sensor is connected. The
computer only returns the code now that says all is good. Any help
greatly appreciated.
Eric R Snow
The import car fixer says my car isn't "foriegn" enough. The other guy
says it's too "foriegn". Here's what it is doing. Not running. It has
spark, compression, fuel pressure, and the timing is correct. The
manual says that if the car runs while starting and then dies when the
key springs back to the ON position then the fuel pump relay is bad.
But there is no relay where the book says to look and none anywhere I
can see. The dealership doesn't list one. He said to bring in the old
one and they would match it up. The car ran fine to work in the
morning and wouldn't start in the evening. The computer said it was a
bad mass air flow sensor. A new one is 400 bucks so my son went to the
wreckers and picked up a couple for twenty bucks. We put one on and
the car started but ran poorly. I was able to drive it about 1/4 mile
before it died. And while driving it would act like it was leaned out
real bad when I floored it. That was yesterday. Today it won't even
try to start. No matter which mass air flow sensor is connected. The
computer only returns the code now that says all is good. Any help
greatly appreciated.
Eric R Snow