I have a bunch of digital camera plug into a use multiplexer.
multiplexer use a 9V DC adaptor draw 900 mAMPS.
the digital cameras are 3 with 12V DC draw 300 mAMPS and 1 with 12V DC draw
700 mAmps
I also have an old video recorder with 24V AC draw 1 Amps
Question is : could I use a 12V DC output adaptor for all the cameras? The
adaptor stated with output 2 Amps? what is the worst case scenario if I
have all the camera connect to it?
also, I am real confuse the video recorder stated it need 24 VAC. Is it mean
I could use a 12 VDC adaptor that have the 2 AMPS instead?
About the 9V DC adaptor on multiplexer, what happen if I use the one with
500 mAMPS? will I blew away the devices?
One last Question: I know the electricity surge could kill devices, may I
know how to prevent it without using surge protection BAR? for example,
built myself one a tiny surge protection filter like the one built into the
monitor power cable. possible?
tkx in adv.
multiplexer use a 9V DC adaptor draw 900 mAMPS.
the digital cameras are 3 with 12V DC draw 300 mAMPS and 1 with 12V DC draw
700 mAmps
I also have an old video recorder with 24V AC draw 1 Amps
Question is : could I use a 12V DC output adaptor for all the cameras? The
adaptor stated with output 2 Amps? what is the worst case scenario if I
have all the camera connect to it?
also, I am real confuse the video recorder stated it need 24 VAC. Is it mean
I could use a 12 VDC adaptor that have the 2 AMPS instead?
About the 9V DC adaptor on multiplexer, what happen if I use the one with
500 mAMPS? will I blew away the devices?
One last Question: I know the electricity surge could kill devices, may I
know how to prevent it without using surge protection BAR? for example,
built myself one a tiny surge protection filter like the one built into the
monitor power cable. possible?
tkx in adv.