I have built several IR/visible switches from schematics found on the web.
My objective is to have an indicator between an unblocked and blocked beam.
I wanted to find one with sufficient voltage separation that a program
could read (via the sound card) the values and determine a boundary
value above or below which would indicate the value meant blocked or
So far my experience indicates that the IR switches have ranges in the
low millivolt area.
The one which shows the most promise is a Radio Shack 276-145
Phototransistor's emitter feeding the base of a PN2484 and the 2484's
emitter goes to ground via an LED and 550 R resistor. Both collectors
are fed with a 9 volt battery.
I just finished the breadboard of "Simple Optical Switch" at Electronics
Lab and the output was again low and variable. Very disappointing.
1) Why does the voltage jump to high levels when unblocked (276-145
version) before dropping below 100?
The digitized values look to be 60-90 after jumping to 190-210 for
2-3 seconds.
Oh and the tests were at 1 second intervals.
2) Why is the voltage unstable when blocked?
The digitized values are 130 for 3-4 seconds then drift all around
(119-125 but occasionally spike) then up to 130 again.
The tests were made under battery power with new 9v (no load) battery.
My objective is to have an indicator between an unblocked and blocked beam.
I wanted to find one with sufficient voltage separation that a program
could read (via the sound card) the values and determine a boundary
value above or below which would indicate the value meant blocked or
So far my experience indicates that the IR switches have ranges in the
low millivolt area.
The one which shows the most promise is a Radio Shack 276-145
Phototransistor's emitter feeding the base of a PN2484 and the 2484's
emitter goes to ground via an LED and 550 R resistor. Both collectors
are fed with a 9 volt battery.
I just finished the breadboard of "Simple Optical Switch" at Electronics
Lab and the output was again low and variable. Very disappointing.
1) Why does the voltage jump to high levels when unblocked (276-145
version) before dropping below 100?
The digitized values look to be 60-90 after jumping to 190-210 for
2-3 seconds.
Oh and the tests were at 1 second intervals.
2) Why is the voltage unstable when blocked?
The digitized values are 130 for 3-4 seconds then drift all around
(119-125 but occasionally spike) then up to 130 again.
The tests were made under battery power with new 9v (no load) battery.