hello i wish to learn elecectronics any help


Bernard Borg

Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
ever tried school ?

"Bernard Borg" <atlantis@keyworld.net> wrote in message
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
"peterken" <peter273@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<R5jqd.3059$CT1.142378@phobos.telenet-ops.be>...
ever tried school ?

"Bernard Borg" <atlantis@keyworld.net> wrote in message
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
Regards for your approach to school :_) i wish i have time for another
school i am at university reading for a degree into communications and
my interest in electronics is rather a hobbiest approach not carrer
wise :) thank you peterken
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 06:47:03 -0600, "Jim Douglas"
<james.douglas@genesis-software.com> wrote:

The internet has tons of "tutorials" on the subject, good and bad. I would
suggest that you checkout the local community colleges for classes. Some
books that I can recommend are
"Basic Electronics Theory" by Delton T. Horn. And "Tab Electronics Guide to
Understanding Electricity and Electronics" by Tab Electronics.
Understanding Basic Electronics, publishe d by the ARRL gets my vote!

Fat, sugar, salt, beer: the four essentials for a healthy diet.
Regards for your approach to school :_) i wish i have time for another
school i am at university reading for a degree into communications and
my interest in electronics is rather a hobbiest approach not carrer
wise :) thank you peterken
If you are doing communications, you will be with the EE people
during your 1st year at least, if not 2nd as well.
(correct me if I am wrong here, or is it Communication
This will give you a lot of knowledge in Electronics.
Also computer systems engineering share a lot of the courses
of EE.

Regarding books, there is another one which many people say is
really good:

The Art of Electronics
Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill

If you want a book for transistor circuits, in my opinion
there is none better than

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by
Boylestad and Nashelsky. I am not sure which
is the current edition, I have the 8th. This
is a very very very good book.
On 28 Nov 2004 03:39:09 -0800, Bernard Borg wrote:

Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
inet tutorials. The library should have the most basic stuff if you
really need "Fun With Electricity", but I think the ARRL handbooks
at the library cover the basics well enough.

Best Regards,
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 09:17:11 -0800, Bernard Borg wrote:

Thankyou for your advice i chosen to resort to the books suggested
obtaining them from university library and taking a look and choose which
two i should work upon and decided to take a course or 2 at the local
technology and science college which offer some at part time thankyou to
everyone :)
Do they capitalize or punctuate in your native language? Maybe separate
one sentence from the next?
The Pig Bladder From Uranus, still waiting for
some hot babe to ask what my favorite planet is.
atlantis@keyworld.net (Bernard Borg) wrote in message news:<7af67aaa.0411290917.499dd8a8@posting.google.com>...
Thankyou for your advice i chosen to resort to the books suggested
obtaining them from university library and taking a look and choose
which two i should work upon and decided to take a course or 2 at the
local technology and science college which offer some at part time
thankyou to everyone :)
Don't give up on the internet. One excellent tutorial website is

NCSU: Electronics ECE-480


I have a few links to similar sites:


((((((((((((((((((((((( ( ( (o) ) ) )))))))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty http://staff.washington.edu/wbeaty/
Research Engineer UW Chem Dept, Bagley Hall RM74
beaty@chem.washington.edu Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700
ph:206-543-6195 fax:206-685-8665
"Jim Douglas" <james.douglas@genesis-software.com> wrote in message
The internet has tons of "tutorials" on the subject, good and bad. I would
suggest that you checkout the local community colleges for classes.
Everyone always says this, but my experience at a community college was
awful. I spent $500 on a C++ course and got about $100 worth. There were
only 3 students in the class (myself included) who had any clue about
anything whatsoever. The rest held us back from going very far into the

The fact that they used a buggy freeware compiler was no help either.

I think it is likely to be better, for anyone who wants to take single
courses, to take them at a four-year school.


Reply in group, but if emailing add
2 more zeros and remove the obvious.
The internet has tons of "tutorials" on the subject, good and bad. I would
suggest that you checkout the local community colleges for classes. Some
books that I can recommend are
"Basic Electronics Theory" by Delton T. Horn. And "Tab Electronics Guide to
Understanding Electricity and Electronics" by Tab Electronics.

"Bernard Borg" <atlantis@keyworld.net> wrote in message
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
"Bernard Borg" <atlantis@keyworld.net> wrote in message
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
There are correspondence courses you can take in electronics. You
can take just the basics, or more advanced courses. I would suggest at least
the basics. Once you have a good understanding of the basics, everything
else comes pretty easy.

There is also a program (while it is not a tutorial), would help you
with electronics. One of the things it does, it will compute all the
component values of a circuit (to match your needs), and then display all
the formulas that it used. Plus a lot of other usful things, for
electronics. Check it out at http://www.fncwired.com

A very good book to have is "Practical Electronics For Inventors" by
Paul Scherz. It does a very good job of explaining electronic components,
circuits and theory.
Hope this helps,
Thankyou for your advice i chosen to resort to the books suggested
obtaining them from university library and taking a look and choose
which two i should work upon and decided to take a course or 2 at the
local technology and science college which offer some at part time
thankyou to everyone :)
"Brian" <bellis350@comcast.net> wrote in message news:<sKudnXUGZbwbbjTcRVn-sg@comcast.com>...
"Bernard Borg" <atlantis@keyworld.net> wrote in message
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)

There are correspondence courses you can take in electronics. You
can take just the basics, or more advanced courses. I would suggest at least
the basics. Once you have a good understanding of the basics, everything
else comes pretty easy.

There is also a program (while it is not a tutorial), would help you
with electronics. One of the things it does, it will compute all the
component values of a circuit (to match your needs), and then display all
the formulas that it used. Plus a lot of other usful things, for
electronics. Check it out at http://www.fncwired.com

A very good book to have is "Practical Electronics For Inventors" by
Paul Scherz. It does a very good job of explaining electronic components,
circuits and theory.
Hope this helps,
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 06:53:54 -0800, Bernard Borg wrote:

"peterken" <peter273@hotmail.com> wrote in message
ever tried school ?

"Bernard Borg" <atlantis@keyworld.net> wrote in message
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)

Regards for your approach to school :_) i wish i have time for another
school i am at university reading for a degree into communications and my
interest in electronics is rather a hobbiest approach not carrer wise :)
thank you peterken
Then I find myself impelled to come forward sans my alter ego, and say
that I highly recommend some kind of course on remedial English. The next
course of action is to go directly to the library. If you have Dewey, ask
the librarian where to find 621.384. Browse.

Good Luck! :)
Check the other electronics news groups, there are many informational posts
regarding Sam Goldwaser's very informational sites regarding basic and
advanced electronics. http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.anatekcorp.com my
give you a bit of information.
"Active8" <reply2group@ndbbm.net> wrote in message
On 28 Nov 2004 03:39:09 -0800, Bernard Borg wrote:

Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)

inet tutorials. The library should have the most basic stuff if you
really need "Fun With Electricity", but I think the ARRL handbooks
at the library cover the basics well enough.

Best Regards,
Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote in message news:<pan.2004.>...
Regards for your approach to school :_) i wish i have time for another
school i am at university reading for a degree into communications and my
interest in electronics is rather a hobbiest approach not carrer wise :)
thank you peterken

Then I find myself impelled to come forward sans my alter ego, and say
that I highly recommend some kind of course on remedial English.
For a non-English speaker, his grammar is excellent. I hope you noticed
that his text is full of clues that English is not his native language.
He has an "accent," but it doesn't interfere with his meaning.

Having a bad day? Your above crack about english, plus your crack about
school, sounds to me like the onset of flamer-hood.


((((((((((((((((((((((( ( ( (o) ) ) )))))))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty Research Engineer
beaty@chem.washington.edu UW Chem Dept, Bagley Hall RM74
billb@eskimo.com Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700
ph206-543-6195 http//staff.washington.edu/wbeaty/
On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 12:23:57 -0800, William J. Beaty wrote:

Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote in message
Regards for your approach to school :_) i wish i have time for another
school i am at university reading for a degree into communications and
my interest in electronics is rather a hobbiest approach not carrer
wise :) thank you peterken

Then I find myself impelled to come forward sans my alter ego, and say
that I highly recommend some kind of course on remedial English.

For a non-English speaker, his grammar is excellent. I hope you noticed
that his text is full of clues that English is not his native language. He
has an "accent," but it doesn't interfere with his meaning.

Having a bad day? Your above crack about english, plus your crack about
school, sounds to me like the onset of flamer-hood.

Well, it wasn't intended as a flame, but I would like to encourage
everyone to learn capitalization and punctuation. I might not have made it
clear that my reason for bringing it up is because Mr. Borg did say "at
university" - I figure if you're going to spend that much on education, it
won't do any harm to dress up the presentation a little.


Well, it depends on how much you want to know about
electronics. For analog circuit, you might start with
the book:

"Microelectronic Circuits" by Sedra/Smith

For digital ciruit, you might start with some basic
logic gates like AND, OR, XOR, and do "Karnaugh Map" for
simplication. Any book on Digital Logic Design should
conver that.

The other way is: you could start browse the web
to check which topic you are interested in. You
can start with


That might not be helpful as textbooks. But at least,
you will know the major basic topics on electronics.

atlantis@keyworld.net (Bernard Borg) wrote in message news:<7af67aaa.0411280339.5860a5e2@posting.google.com>...
Hello all - first of all please excuse my stupidity i wish to learn
electroncs i am in possestion of a basic knowledge which is basic
electronics physics syllabus but i wish to learn it further posasibly
from ground up till i can understand circuits well and possible design
circuits not only build them again excuse my no prior knowledge
approach regards :)
Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote in message news:<pan.2004.>...
Well, it wasn't intended as a flame, but I would like to encourage
everyone to learn capitalization and punctuation. I might not have made it
clear that my reason for bringing it up is because Mr. Borg did say "at
university" - I figure if you're going to spend that much on education, it
won't do any harm to dress up the presentation a little.

Interesting: Mr. Bork's ISP is Island of Malta.

If I wrote in a foreign language flawlessly, then I would feel justified
in correcting others' English grammar. But I only write really crappy
Spanish (after many classes in high school.) If I was going to criticize
someone's English, well, let them first hear how well I can do in
their native language, or even *any* foreign language.

Also, I suspect that "at university" is a British term, or perhaps is
merely Euro-english. I've heard it used before. It may be similar to
the standard British term "in hospital", versus the USA "in a hospital."

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