HEART 2011, June 2-3 2011, Imperial College London, Call for



Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to join us at the 2nd International Workshop
on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies
(HEART 2011, http://www.isheart.org), a forum to present and discuss
the latest research and developments in accelerators and
reconfigurable technologies for high-performance efficient computing.

Early registration rate is still open! You can register to attend
HEART 2011 by following this link:

HEART 2011 offers a great program this year, with the following

- Two invited keynote speeches, the first from Prof. Miriam Leeser,
Northeastern University, USA, on the Challenges of writing portable,
correct and high performance libraries for GPUs, and the second from
Dr. Oliver Pell, Vice-president, Maxeler Technologies, UK, on
surviving the end of frequency scaling with reconfigurable dataflow

- 8 technical sessions with a wide range of topics including systems
and tools for high performance efficient computing, novel
architectures, and FPGA/GPU-based HPC applications.

The full program can found here: http://www.isheart.org

We look forward to welcoming you at HEART 2011 in London!

Workshop co-chairs:
Hideharu Amano, Keio University, JP
Wayne Luk, Imperial College London, UK

Program co-chairs:
Khaled Benkrid, University of Edinburgh, UK
Martin Herbordt, Boston University, USA
Yoshiki Yamaguchi, University of Tsukuba, JP

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