atec 7 7
Mr.T wrote:
NOT a solid state"atec 7 7" <"atec 77 "@hotmail.com> wrote in message
I expect the "solid state" hard drive will become increasingly
affordable and very popular
Agreed, but now put a time frame on 25GB sticks dropping to $1?
Before blu-ray disks get there?
they wont but I expect the organis drives to do so VERY quickly
I doubt it!
And I won't hold my breathe for 1TB solid state drives to be cheaper
magnetic Hard drives either. All will get bigger and cheaper for some
before magnetic and optical media dies out completely IMO.
But you're still welcome to make your own choices in the mean time
and yet again this arvo I bought another usb/1t drive for transporting
some movies
And inside was a standard magnetic hard disk drive I bet.
wrong . size wise not possible
hard drive you claim "will become increasingly popular".
So how exactly does that contradict what I said?
did I say that ?