
Has anyone seen any HD DVD software? Will current progressive scan DVD
players pass on a HD source? I am told there is no DVD hardware or software in
HD and it isn't likely any time soon. Has anyone heard anything to the

sampetrovski@aol.com (SamPetrovski) wrote in message news:<20030918130801.28373.00001100@mb-m03.aol.com>...
Has anyone seen any HD DVD software? Will current progressive scan DVD
players pass on a HD source? I am told there is no DVD hardware or software in
HD and it isn't likely any time soon. Has anyone heard anything to the


"SP" is not Sam Pterovski. He is Kenneth Pangborn, a person who
shoud be dealt with using caution. Read up at
On 22 Sep 2003 08:09:18 -0700 trevorviator@yahoo.com (Trevor Viator) wrote
in Message id: <cbab47ae.0309220709.51bb1e07@posting.google.com>:

sampetrovski@aol.com (SamPetrovski) wrote in message news:<20030918130801.28373.00001100@mb-m03.aol.com>...
Has anyone seen any HD DVD software? Will current progressive scan DVD
players pass on a HD source? I am told there is no DVD hardware or software in
HD and it isn't likely any time soon. Has anyone heard anything to the


"SP" is not Sam Pterovski. He is Kenneth Pangborn, a person who
shoud be dealt with using caution. Read up at
Shouldn't you be stalking your pet kook in AUK instead of where the adults
are talking, you assheaded fucking lunatic?
Subject: Re: HD-DVD
From: none none@dev.nul
Date: 9/23/2003 7:49 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <tkc0nvoskbu1d92e1f6ha701l2243m87ee@4ax.com

"SP" is not Sam Pterovski. He is Kenneth Pangborn, a person who
shoud be dealt with using caution. Read up at

Shouldn't you be stalking your pet kook in AUK instead of where the adults
are talking, you assheaded fucking lunatic?
All 40 million AOL users are Ken Pangborn. All CS users. All users in Florida,
all users everywhere are Ken Pangborn. Even David Moore is Ken pangborn. Even
you are Ken Pangborn.
There is only one person on this plenet Ken Pangborn.

But you hit the nail on the head. SO now the kook will destroy yet another
newsgroup to stalk and deastroy.

Welcome to EDABoard.com

