George Herold
So to see this correlation/ overlap between photons, I need to meet
two criteria.
1.) photon flux, to have intensity (wave) noise equal to shot noise
I need I_dc = e * opt_BW,* which I guesstimate to be about 1 uA.
2.) spacial 'uncertainty' I need the quantity,
D*d/(lamda*L) <=~1 (is less than or about equal to one.)
Where D is detector diameter, d is source diameter,
L is distance from source to detector and lamda is the
wavelength of the light.
So I don't know the optical BW nor the source size.
I can measure the Laser diode.. ~0.015" ~350 um
(the source size might be a lot less than this?)
When I dial this all up in the lab I see about 10 nA
of photocurrent. (1%) The number one problem with this
measurement is knowing when the LD starts to lase.
(I'm thinking some real-time optical spectrum measurement
would help...)
I also dream of scraping the back reflective bit off the laser diode
There's a gold wire bond there and I need some good optics!
So I'm trying to think of some 'proof of concept' type experiment.
(I was first tempted to give up... measuring a ~1% increase in the noise
is not easy. )
But here's my 'crazy' idea. I measure the noise as a function of L
keeping the DC photo-current constant. (OK there are still lotsa issues**)
but keeping the current constant cancels a lot of uncertainties.
(Noise in current source driving led.
Electrical BW of measurement!)
George H.
*where opt_BW (in Hz) is the optical bandwidth
of the source. (I'm not sure what the BW is. 10 nm is a guess..
(lamda is 780 nm ~ 1um, freq=c/lamda ~3x10^14, so 1% of that is
3E12 Hz.. let's say 5E12 'cause of my fudges times the charge of the
electron is (1.6X10^-19) 8 x 10^-7 amps. Which I've been rounding up
to 1 uA.
** Mechanical vibrations!! Can I keep all those at low frequency?
I'm not sure what (noise) layer lies below mechanical vibrations...
But that is a number one issue...
Oh, I've also seen 1/f noise from LED's (worse when driven hard.)
(Again a reason to filter out LF noise.)
Oh and the other huge flaw with this is that as I crank up the
current my light source turns into a laser.. with lots more noise
during the transition. So the first thing to do is measure noise
as function of current from the LD/ diode light source.
I bet that will suck... (putting on my eeyore hat.)
Noise everywhere, and I want to find and measure
just this little bit.
* where opt_BW (in Hz) is the optical bandwidth
of the source. (I'm not sure what the BW is. 10 nm is a guess..
(lamda is 780 nm ~ 1um, freq=c/lamda ~3x10^14, so 1% of that is
3E12 Hz.. let's say 5E12 'cause of my fudges times the charge of the
electron is (1.6X10^-19) 8 x 10^-7 amps. Which I've been rounding up
to 1 uA.
two criteria.
1.) photon flux, to have intensity (wave) noise equal to shot noise
I need I_dc = e * opt_BW,* which I guesstimate to be about 1 uA.
2.) spacial 'uncertainty' I need the quantity,
D*d/(lamda*L) <=~1 (is less than or about equal to one.)
Where D is detector diameter, d is source diameter,
L is distance from source to detector and lamda is the
wavelength of the light.
So I don't know the optical BW nor the source size.
I can measure the Laser diode.. ~0.015" ~350 um
(the source size might be a lot less than this?)
When I dial this all up in the lab I see about 10 nA
of photocurrent. (1%) The number one problem with this
measurement is knowing when the LD starts to lase.
(I'm thinking some real-time optical spectrum measurement
would help...)
I also dream of scraping the back reflective bit off the laser diode
There's a gold wire bond there and I need some good optics!
So I'm trying to think of some 'proof of concept' type experiment.
(I was first tempted to give up... measuring a ~1% increase in the noise
is not easy. )
But here's my 'crazy' idea. I measure the noise as a function of L
keeping the DC photo-current constant. (OK there are still lotsa issues**)
but keeping the current constant cancels a lot of uncertainties.
(Noise in current source driving led.
Electrical BW of measurement!)
George H.
*where opt_BW (in Hz) is the optical bandwidth
of the source. (I'm not sure what the BW is. 10 nm is a guess..
(lamda is 780 nm ~ 1um, freq=c/lamda ~3x10^14, so 1% of that is
3E12 Hz.. let's say 5E12 'cause of my fudges times the charge of the
electron is (1.6X10^-19) 8 x 10^-7 amps. Which I've been rounding up
to 1 uA.
** Mechanical vibrations!! Can I keep all those at low frequency?
I'm not sure what (noise) layer lies below mechanical vibrations...
But that is a number one issue...
Oh, I've also seen 1/f noise from LED's (worse when driven hard.)
(Again a reason to filter out LF noise.)
Oh and the other huge flaw with this is that as I crank up the
current my light source turns into a laser.. with lots more noise
during the transition. So the first thing to do is measure noise
as function of current from the LD/ diode light source.
I bet that will suck... (putting on my eeyore hat.)
Noise everywhere, and I want to find and measure
just this little bit.
* where opt_BW (in Hz) is the optical bandwidth
of the source. (I'm not sure what the BW is. 10 nm is a guess..
(lamda is 780 nm ~ 1um, freq=c/lamda ~3x10^14, so 1% of that is
3E12 Hz.. let's say 5E12 'cause of my fudges times the charge of the
electron is (1.6X10^-19) 8 x 10^-7 amps. Which I've been rounding up
to 1 uA.