I desperately need these three items for a project, but I'm having a
hard time finding them. I had hoped to order all from a single source
to save shipping costs, but I don't know if that's feasible. A cross
reference with same pinouts might be helpful, but even having trouble
with that... and running short on time. Any parts source and/or good
cross reference would be welcomed. Thank you.
D40D5 NPN power tab transistor
2n2646 UJT
MCR 106-8 or C107D or 2n4444
hard time finding them. I had hoped to order all from a single source
to save shipping costs, but I don't know if that's feasible. A cross
reference with same pinouts might be helpful, but even having trouble
with that... and running short on time. Any parts source and/or good
cross reference would be welcomed. Thank you.
D40D5 NPN power tab transistor
2n2646 UJT
MCR 106-8 or C107D or 2n4444