Hard Drive TV Recorders



Does TIVO have a patent on all hard drive recorders for TV? Is it possible
to find a hard drive TV recorder that can be set up (with a built in timer
and not TIVO codes) to record like a VHS recorder does now?

If you have an old TIVO, or can find a friend with one in the closet because
they upgraded, you can use it manually. You may have to interpret the time
& channel layout if it's from another area, but at least you can manually
program it to record certain times & channels.


"Bill" <booyow@austin.rr.com> wrote in message
Does TIVO have a patent on all hard drive recorders for TV? Is it possible
to find a hard drive TV recorder that can be set up (with a built in timer
and not TIVO codes) to record like a VHS recorder does now?

If you have an older PII or even a descent PIII machine lying around, you
can put in a very large hard disk and install the ATI PC-TV display card
with the video and audio I/O option. Matrox also makes a very good system
as well. You can then install the biggest hard disk that the machine can
handle, as the second hard drive. Configure it to be just for video. Set
the quality level of the PC-TV software to be the max.

You install the software, and hook it up like a VCR to the TV set. Now you
have a hard disk TV system that beats the butts off everything out there
that is off the shelf! You can add a wireless keyboard and mouse, so you
can use it at the place where you sit.

The new Radeon PC-TV cards can even have a remote control option.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
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Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"Bill" <booyow@austin.rr.com> wrote in message
Does TIVO have a patent on all hard drive recorders for TV? Is it possible
to find a hard drive TV recorder that can be set up (with a built in timer
and not TIVO codes) to record like a VHS recorder does now?


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